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发布时间:2018-02-09 12:00

  本文关键词: 公共资源属性 村民自治 土地所有权国家独占 产权制度 出处:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:首先,文章分析了土地本身所具有的财产属性和公共资源属性的双重属性,并进一步分析土地的公共资源属性不断深化并逐步向土地国有化的趋势发展。 其次,分析了中国土地制度二元结构的演进过程,并进一步揭示了中国的土地制度的二元结构已经是城乡二元鸿沟不断扩大的根源制度之一,特别是集体土地制度作为计划经济的产物,在设计之初是为了充分发挥其公共资源的属性,满足农民对生存保障的需要。但是随着市场经济的崛起,城市国有土地产权制度的确立,城市国有土地的财产属性得到体现,使土地这一商品在市场经济的资源配置作用下财产属性得到充分的发挥,并促成了房地产市场的繁荣。而由于集体土地当初对土地财产属性和交换价值的忽视,使集体土地有了不可弥补的制度缺陷,使其无法进入土地市场,充分发挥其财产属性的价值,再加上既得利益者利用这一制度缺陷,维护自己的既得利益,进而导致了城乡差距的不断扩大。 再次,文章进一步分析建立国有一元的土地所有制是中国土地改革的最佳选择,但是如何选择一条可行性成本低,农民获益大的改革路径显得尤为重要。本文从程序正义的角度,阐述通过农民自愿以村民大会的议事程序实现以集体土地所有权换取国有土地上的使用权进行转换。这一转换过程的结果是类似于“遗赠抚养协议”的一个权利置换方案,这个“遗赠扶养协议”所涉及的内容涉及深刻的利益调整必须充分保证实质正义,它能否得到农民大众的支持与认可,能否体现自愿与公平是这次土地改革的关键和检验标准。由此可见,路径实施的程序体现了村民自治的原则,通过的权利置换方案保证农民现有的利益不受损。这样就保证了程序正义和实体正义的要求。 最后进一步分析了原有集体土地与国有土地的相关法律对接,并形成一元化的土地权利结构模型和行政管理结构模型。从中国的国情分析在改革进程中必须进行的必要制度配套和必须遵循的一些原则,脱离了这些原则,土地改革的初衷就会事与愿违,甚至会出现非常严峻的后果。
[Abstract]:First of all, the paper analyzes the dual attributes of the property and public resources of land, and further analyzes the deepening of the public resource attributes of land and the trend of nationalization of land. Secondly, it analyzes the evolution process of the dual structure of China's land system, and further reveals that the dual structure of China's land system has become one of the root systems of the widening urban-rural dual divide. Especially, the collective land system, as a product of planned economy, was designed to give full play to its attribute of public resources and to meet the needs of farmers for survival, but with the rise of market economy, With the establishment of the property right system of urban state-owned land, the property attribute of urban state-owned land is embodied, which makes the property attribute of this commodity play a full role in the market economy resource allocation. And contributed to the prosperity of the real estate market. But because of the neglect of the property attribute and the exchange value of the collective land, the collective land had irreparable institutional defects, which made it unable to enter the land market. To give full play to the value of its property, plus the vested interests to take advantage of the defects of the system, to safeguard their vested interests, which leads to the widening of the gap between urban and rural areas. Thirdly, the article further analyzes that it is the best choice of land reform in China to establish a state-owned land ownership system, but how to choose a feasible one with low cost, The reform path of farmers' benefit is particularly important. This article from the point of view of procedural justice, This paper expounds the conversion of collective land ownership in exchange for the right to use state-owned land through the voluntary procedure of villagers' assembly. The result of this conversion process is a right replacement scheme similar to the "Legacy maintenance Agreement". The contents of this Legacy maintenance Agreement involve profound interest adjustments that must fully guarantee substantive justice. Can it be supported and recognized by the peasant public? Whether or not it is voluntary and fair is the key and test criterion of this land reform. Thus, it can be seen that the procedure for implementing the path reflects the principle of villagers' autonomy. The right replacement program is adopted to ensure that farmers' existing interests are not damaged, thus ensuring the requirements of procedural justice and substantive justice. Finally, it further analyzes the connection of the existing collective land and state-owned land related laws, And form a unified land rights structure model and an administrative structure model. From the point of view of China's national conditions, the necessary institutional support and some principles that must be followed in the process of reform are analyzed and separated from these principles. The original intention of land reform will be counterproductive, and even very serious consequences.


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