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发布时间:2018-02-02 19:28

  本文关键词: 房屋征收 机制问题 机制完善 出处:《中国政法大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:2011年1月21日,《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》在期待的目光下颁布施行了。新《条例》赋予被征收人的权利清晰明确,政府作为补偿义务主体也被依法确定。全文通过对房屋征收与补偿各环节被征收人和政府权利义务的梳理,解构新制度中存在的不完善之处,并提出修改建议。正文共分为三个部分: 一、国有土地上房屋征收与补偿制度。新《条例》明确规定将公共利益作为政府作出征收决定的合法理由,被征收人在征收决定与协商补偿阶段有不同程度的参与权,将建设方排除在征收关系之外。同时新《条例》又赋予被征收人对征收决定不服提起行政诉讼和对补偿方案申请行政复议与提起行政诉讼的权利,将房屋征收与补偿纠纷交由司法机关裁判执行。 二、房屋征收机制存在的问题。政府作出征收决定阶段,被征收人及相关公众事先知情与参与不足,新《条例》仅保障事后提起行政诉讼的权利,而司法裁判缺少对行政行为合理性的审查,反征收决定的权利配置需要强化,且新《条例》对土地使用权的补偿回避延续了拆迁条例的做法对被征收人显失公平。 三、房屋征收与补偿机制的完善建议。在征收决定做出前引入听证程序,政府根据听证建议修改征收决定,并建立建设项目事后审查程序,防止被征收土地房屋用于非公共利益用途。应当明确对土地使用权给予补偿,将房屋所有权与土地使用权的补偿显化。
[Abstract]:In January 21st 2011, the regulations on the expropriation and compensation of Housing on State-owned Land were promulgated and implemented under the expectant vision. The rights conferred by the new regulations on the expropriated persons are clear and clear. The government as the subject of compensation obligations is also determined according to law. The full text of the house levy and compensation of each link and the rights and obligations of the government combing, deconstructing the new system in the existence of imperfections. The text is divided into three parts: First, the system of expropriation and compensation of houses on state-owned land. The new regulations clearly stipulate that the public interest is the legitimate reason for the government to make the expropriation decision. The expropriated person has the right to participate in different degrees in the stage of expropriation decision and negotiation compensation. At the same time, the new regulations give the expropriated people the right to file administrative proceedings against the expropriation decision and to apply for administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation on the compensation scheme. Housing expropriation and compensation disputes over to the judicial organs for execution. Second, the problems of the housing expropriation mechanism. The government makes the expropriation decision stage, the expropriated person and the related public know in advance and the participation is insufficient, the new regulation only protects the right to file the administrative lawsuit after the event. But the judicial judgment lacks the examination to the administrative behavior rationality, the right disposition of the counter-expropriation decision needs to be strengthened. Moreover, the compensation and avoidance of land use right by the new regulations perpetuate the removal regulations, which are unfair to the expropriated persons. Third, the housing collection and compensation mechanism to improve the proposal. In the expropriation decision before the introduction of hearing procedures, the government according to the hearing recommendations to modify the expropriation decision, and establish a construction project after the review process. To prevent the expropriated land houses from being used for non-public interest purposes, the compensation for the right to use the land shall be explicitly compensated, and the compensation for the ownership of the house and the right to the use of the land shall be made explicit.


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