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发布时间:2018-01-31 03:58

  本文关键词: 地铁 沿线物业 捆绑开发 土地取得 出处:《北京大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 地铁和沿线物业捆绑开发模式,是根据地铁与沿线物业开发的互馈机制,由地铁公司承办地铁建设的同时,对地铁站点沿线土地统筹进行高密度房地产开发的模式,房地产开发收益来筹集部分地铁建设资金和弥补地铁营运亏损,在站点周围高密度开发聚集大量的客流,既为地铁带来稳定的票务收入,又提升了站点周围物业的市场价值。捆绑开发的模式,其经济学实质就是使地铁交通的外部性内部化,此模式能兼顾“公共交通和城市空间优化”双重目标,是一种地铁建设和城市发展的新模式。 以往国内有些城市,通过制定地方性法规和规章,为捆绑开发的土地取得制定了鼓励性条款和法律依据。但是,《物权法》实施以后,捆绑开发模式中沿线土地取得面临新的法律障碍,主要是《物权法》有关建设用地使用权取得方面的法律限制,特别是“招拍挂”出让制度问题。本文提出了捆绑招标、土地作价出资(入股)和授权经营、特许经营BOT及其变异模式等三种应对法律障碍的对策并进行了分析,发现任何一种对策均很难完全解决捆绑开发中土地取得的法律问题。因此,建议学习台湾的思路,借鉴国内地方立法经验,制定有关地铁建设及捆绑开发的专门法律,为捆绑开发中的土地取得扫清法律障碍。 本论文分六部分:第一部分导论;第二部分地铁与沿线物业捆绑开发介绍,介绍其理念、实施条件、经济学分析和国外成功实践;第三部分我国土地取得制度和以往捆绑开发土地取得方式,梳理我国建设用地使用权相关法律制度,之前国内城市捆绑开发中的土地取得及其地方性法规、规章的依据;第四部分目前我国捆绑开发土地取得所面临的法律问题,指出“招拍挂”出让制度是捆绑开发土地取得的最大障碍;第五部分目前我国捆绑开发土地取得法律障碍的对策分析,分析了三种法律对策;第六部分建议和总结,对捆绑开发的土地取得法律问题进行归纳,并提出了专门立法的建议。 本论文论述了捆绑开发模式中土地取得的法律问题,提出了三种解决法律障碍的对策和完善我国地铁建设、捆绑开发的法律制度建议,对我国地铁建设、沿线房地产开发乃至城市空间优化具有现实的意义。
[Abstract]:According to the mutual feed mechanism of the metro and the property development along the line, the MTRC undertakes the subway construction at the same time. The mode of high-density real estate development along the subway station, real estate development income to raise part of the subway construction funds and make up for the subway operating losses. High density development around the site gathered a large number of passengers, not only for the subway ticket revenue stability, but also to enhance the market value of properties around the site. The essence of its economics is to internalize the externality of subway traffic. This model can take into account the dual goal of "public transportation and urban space optimization", and it is a new mode of subway construction and urban development. In the past, some cities in China, through the formulation of local laws and regulations, have formulated encouraging clauses and legal basis for the acquisition of land for bundling and development. However, after the implementation of the property Law. In the mode of bundling and development, land acquisition along the road faces new legal obstacles, mainly the legal restrictions on the acquisition of the right to use construction land in the "Real right Law". In particular, the issue of the transfer system of "recruitment and auction hanging". This paper puts forward the bundling bidding, land pricing investment (equity) and authorized management. Franchise BOT and its variation model are three kinds of countermeasures to deal with legal obstacles and analysis, found that any of the countermeasures are difficult to completely solve the legal problems of land acquisition in tied development. It is suggested that we should learn from Taiwan's train of thought, draw lessons from our local legislative experience, and formulate special laws on subway construction and tied development so as to clear the legal obstacles for land acquisition in bundling development. This paper is divided into six parts: the first part of the introduction; The second part introduces the development of subway and property bundling along the line, introduces its concept, implementation conditions, economic analysis and successful practice abroad; The third part of the land acquisition system and the past tied development land acquisition mode, combing our country construction land use right related legal system, before the land acquisition and local laws and regulations in the tied development of domestic cities. The basis of the regulations; In the 4th part, the author points out that the transfer system is the biggest obstacle to the acquisition of the tied development land. In the 5th part, the author analyzes the countermeasures of the legal obstacles to the acquisition of land in the binding development of our country, and analyzes three kinds of legal countermeasures. In the 6th part, the author summarizes the legal problems of land acquisition in bundle development, and puts forward the suggestion of special legislation. This paper discusses the legal problems of land acquisition in the mode of bundling development, and puts forward three countermeasures to solve the legal obstacles and legal system suggestions for the improvement of subway construction and bundling development in our country. Real estate development along the line and even urban space optimization has practical significance.


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