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发布时间:2018-01-28 11:18

  本文关键词: 城镇化 宅基地使用权 权益保护 宅基地固化 出处:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:城镇化是一个国家发展的必经之路。当前,我国正处于城镇化的快速发展阶段,城镇化率已超过50%。作为最大的发展中国家,我国的城镇化进程具有重要的影响,就如曾获得诺贝尔奖的约瑟夫·斯蒂格里兹说的那样,21世纪初中国的城镇化和美国的信息化都是影响世界的两件大事。随着城镇化的不断推进,城市范围正逐步扩大,大量的农村土地被征收,农民的宅基地使用权也受到严重影响并引发一系列问题:一方面是城市房价不断上涨,另一方面是城郊小产权房隐形交易不断;一方面是提出要实现城乡一体化发展,另一方面则是农村村庄内部破败不堪,违法乱建房屋随处可见,而村庄外住宅却大量无序存在。此外,由于农村宅基地缺乏规划,监管不力,也加剧了城镇化进程中宅基地使用权多方面问题的多发。因此,本文试图对我国城镇化进程中的宅基地使用权进行研究,以期对农民宅基地使用权的保护有所裨益。 全文共分四个部分: 第一部分是对城镇化和宅基地使用权的界定。文章首先界定了城镇化的概念,并分析了我国的城镇化进程;其次,文章梳理了宅基地使用权的历史沿革,并进步概括出宅基地使用权的概念和特征;最后,文章指明城镇化进程对宅基地使用权制度有何影响。 第二部分是城镇化进程中的宅基地使用权的现状及问题,并剖析了问题产生的原因。本部分首先对城镇化进程中宅基地使用权存在的多方面的问题进行分析,包括“小产权房”交易屡禁不止、“空心村”涌现、一户多宅现象严重、宅基地的监管不力等等,这些问题严重影响了农民的权益,不利于城镇化的推进。其次,本部分还对问题产生的原因作了多维度的剖析,包括经济、历史、立法、执法、文化意识等多方面的原因。 第三部分是城镇化进程中宅基地使用权的完善。文章结合我国实际,就如何在城镇化建设中农民行使宅基地的权利给出合理化建议和观点,包括明确宅基地使用权原始取得制度、改革宅基地使用权无偿使用制度、设置宅基地使用权使用期限制度、建立宅基地使用权流转制度、健全宅基地使用权消灭制度、完善宅基地使用权监管制度。 第四部分是城镇化进程中宅基地使用权制度的创新。文章首先分析了广东顺德的宅基地固化,包括宅基地固化的含义及现状。其次,本部分还剖析了固化中存在的法律问题,包括固化政策设立的前提不够科学和严谨、农民的合法居住权利难以得到保障、对原有生活方式和文化观念产生冲击。最后,本部分提出了固化的完善对策,包括严格宅基地申请和分配政策、扩大宅基地固化中的公众参与、尊重乡土传统并因地制宜固化、完善宅基地固化的配套制度几个方面。
[Abstract]:Urbanization is the only way for the development of a country. At present, China is in the rapid development stage of urbanization, the urbanization rate has exceeded 50. As the largest developing country. The process of urbanization in our country has an important impact, as Joseph Stiglitz, who won the Nobel Prize, said. In 21th century, the urbanization of China and the informatization of the United States are two major events that affect the world. With the continuous development of urbanization, the urban scope is gradually expanding and a large number of rural land is being expropriated. The right to use the homestead of farmers has also been seriously affected and caused a series of problems: on the one hand, the urban housing prices are rising, on the other hand, the small property rights in the suburbs of the invisible transactions; On the one hand, it is proposed to realize the integration of urban and rural development, on the other hand, the rural villages are dilapidated, the illegal construction of houses everywhere, but a large number of out-of-village houses exist disorderly. Because of the lack of rural homestead planning, inadequate supervision, but also exacerbated in the process of urbanization homestead use rights in many aspects of the problem. Therefore, this paper attempts to study the process of China's urbanization of homestead use rights. With a view to the protection of the right to use the homestead of farmers to benefit. The full text is divided into four parts: The first part is the definition of urbanization and the right to use homestead. Firstly, the article defines the concept of urbanization and analyzes the process of urbanization in China. Secondly, the article combs the historical evolution of homestead use right, and summarizes the concept and characteristics of homestead use right. Finally, the article points out how the urbanization process has an impact on the system of homestead use right. The second part is the status quo and problems of homestead use right in the process of urbanization, and analyzes the causes of the problem. Including the "small property right" transactions repeated prohibitions, "hollow village" emerged, a serious phenomenon of multiple homes, house land supervision and so on, these problems seriously affected the rights and interests of farmers. Secondly, this part also makes a multi-dimensional analysis on the causes of the problem, including economy, history, legislation, law enforcement, cultural awareness and many other reasons. The third part is the perfection of the right to use the homestead in the process of urbanization. The article combines with the reality of our country, and gives some reasonable suggestions and viewpoints on how to exercise the right of homestead in the construction of urbanization. It includes defining the original acquisition system of the right to use the homestead, reforming the system of free use of the right to use the homestead, setting up the system of the duration of the use of the right to use the homestead, and establishing the system of circulation of the. Perfect the system of eliminating the right to use the homestead and perfect the supervision system of the right to use the homestead. The 4th part is the innovation of the homestead right system in the process of urbanization. Firstly, the article analyzes the solidification of the homestead in Shunde, Guangdong province, including the meaning and current situation of the homestead solidification. This part also analyzes the legal problems existing in the solidification, including the setting up of the solidification policy is not scientific and rigorous, farmers' legal right of living is difficult to be guaranteed. Impact on the original lifestyle and cultural concepts. Finally, this part proposed the solidification of the perfect countermeasures, including strict homestead application and distribution policy, expand the public participation in the homestead solidification. Respect local tradition and cure measures according to local conditions, perfect the supporting system of homestead solidification in several aspects.


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