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发布时间:2018-03-24 15:21

  本文选题:划拨土地使用权 切入点:抵押 出处:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:划拨土地使用权市场化的优势在于使土地得到优化配置,并充分发挥土地的经济、社会效用,可以使土地得到充分的利用。另一方面划拨土地使用权市场化也可以帮助来建立统一的土地市场。我国划拨土地使用权市场化有转让、出租、抵押、授权经营等几种形式。划拨土地使用权抵押的立法变化经历了一个从严格到宽松的过程。目前,我国关于划拨土地使用权抵押的现行规定并不完善,在划拨土地使用权抵押设定的类型、效力等方面规定也并不完备,在实践中存在一系列的问题。本文中提出划拨土地使用权抵押现实存在的问题:首先,公益性划拨土地使用权是否能够抵押并未作出严格界定。其次,划拨土司使用权在价格确定过程中存在一系列问题。第三,破产程序中地方政府不规范收储划拨土地的使用权。第四,法院与土地管理部门存在冲突。第五,房产地产登记部门分离也引起一系列的麻烦。 根据以上存在的现实问题提出一系列建议,以求在未来的立法中明确相关规定:首先,应当明确区分公益性划拨土地与经营性划拨土地,并确定公益性划拨土地不应进行抵押。其次,要规范划拨土地使用权抵押设立的价格立法,并对不按照国家规定确定土地价格的行为予以处罚。第三,完善地方政府的土地储备行为,明确公共利益应如何界定以及破产企业划拨土地使用权抵押权能否就工业用地变更为商业用地的预期增值的部分来受偿。第四,,抵押权的实现过程中法院应与相关部门良好沟通,以求维护法院裁定的有效性,有效地维护当事人的合法权益。第五,构建不动产统一登记制度,保护相关交易安全性。只有对以上制度做出明确的规定,才能使划拨土地使用权抵押的相关立法更加完备。
[Abstract]:The advantage of marketization of allocated land use right lies in optimizing the allocation of land and giving full play to the economic and social utility of land. It can make full use of land. On the other hand, the marketization of allocated land use rights can also help to establish a unified land market. The legislative changes in the mortgage of the allocated land use right have gone through a process from strict to lenient. At present, the current provisions on the mortgage of the allocated land use right in China are not perfect. There are a series of problems in the practice. This paper puts forward the problems in the reality of the mortgage of the right to use the allocated land: first of all, there are some problems in the reality of the mortgage of the right to use the allocated land: first of all, there are a series of problems in the practice. Whether the right to use the land allocated for public welfare can be mortgaged has not been strictly defined. Secondly, there are a series of problems in the process of determining the price of the right to use allocated toast. Third, In the bankruptcy process, the local government does not regulate the right to use the land to be collected, stored and allocated. Fourth, there is a conflict between the court and the land management department. Fifth, the separation of the real estate registration department also causes a series of problems. According to the above existing practical problems, a series of suggestions are put forward in order to make clear the relevant provisions in the future legislation: first of all, we should clearly distinguish between the public welfare transfer land and the management transfer land. And determine that public welfare allocation of land should not be mortgaged. Secondly, to regulate the allocation of land use right mortgage set up the price legislation, and not in accordance with national regulations to determine the land price to punish. Third, Improve the land reserve behavior of local governments, clarify how the public interest should be defined and whether the mortgage of the right to use the land allocated by the bankrupt enterprise can be compensated for the expected increase in the value of industrial land to commercial land. Fourth, In the process of realizing mortgage, the court should communicate well with the relevant departments in order to maintain the validity of the court ruling and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. To protect the security of related transactions. Only by making clear regulations on the above system, can we make the relevant legislation on the mortgage of allocated land use right more complete.


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2 王轶;;正确理解公共利益 切实维护私人权利[J];今日中国论坛;2007年04期

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2 柴华;我国城市建设用地使用权流转制度的研究[D];西南政法大学;2007年

3 曹裕霖;划拨土地使用权法律问题研究[D];南昌大学;2007年

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5 秦建培;划拨土地使用权市场化法律问题探讨[D];中国政法大学;2009年




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