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发布时间:2018-07-07 19:06

  本文选题:土地征收 + 公平补偿原则 ; 参考:《山东大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 随着工业化进程的加快,土地作为一种稀缺资源变得越来越重要。随着我国城市化进程的显著加快,大量的土地被征收。与此同时,失地农民的数量和相应的社会纠纷也不断增加。农民失去了土地,意味着失去了收入来源和生活来源。在土地征收实践当中,大量的失地农民没有得到合理的补偿,并因此导致了政府和农民之间的矛盾冲突。因此征地纠纷成为影响农村稳定和谐的最重要的因素。这在一定程度上损害了政府的形象和公信力。 导致征地纠纷产生的最重要的原因是征地补偿的不公平,而其深层次的原因是我国的征地补偿法律制度不完善。宪法中没有明确征地补偿的原则,并因此导致了征地补偿的范围、标准、方式、程序以及救济方面的诸多不足。土地征收中公平补偿原则的确立,能够化解规范之间的矛盾冲突。在法律规范含义模糊不清时,公平补偿原则可以作为法律解释的基准。在法律出现漏洞时,公平补偿原则可以起到漏洞填补的作用。公平补偿原则可以规范土地征收权力的运作。在一些疑难案件中,可以为法官提供司法判决的理由。基于对国内外征地补偿法律制度的分析,本文分六个部分对土地征收的公平补偿原则作了研究。 第一部分是引言。第二部分是关于公平补偿原则的释义。对国内外的土地征收法律制度作了历史的考察分析。几乎所有的宪政国家都坚持公平补偿原则。在这一部分还对公平补偿原则的价值及功能作了分析。通过分析笔者指出公平补偿原则应当作为土地征收法律制度的基础。第三部分是关于公平补偿原则下土地征收法律制度应当如何设计。主要分析了补偿标准和补偿程序应当如何设计以及在何种情形下应当给予补偿。第四部分是关于公平补偿原则在我国土地征收法律制度中的现状。主要对补偿的标准、补偿的分配以及补偿的程序作了分析。第五部分指出了公平补偿原则在我国土地征收法律制度中的实现途径。必须对我国的土地征收法律制度进行重构以满足公平补偿原则的要求。第六部分是结语。 在城市化和工业化的进程当中,大量的失地农民不仅失去了土地,而且失去了基本生活保障的权利。我们必须考虑失地农民的生存状况,给予农民公平的补偿。公平补偿原则是土地征收法律制度的基本原则。土地征收中公平补偿原则的确立,能够有效保护农民的法律权利和利益,从而有利于农村和谐社会的实现。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of industrialization, land as a scarce resource has become more and more important. With the remarkable acceleration of urbanization in China, a large number of land has been expropriated. At the same time, the number of land-lost farmers and the corresponding social disputes are also increasing. Farmers have lost their land, meaning they have lost their sources of income and livelihood. In the practice of land expropriation, a large number of landless farmers have not received reasonable compensation, which leads to the conflict between the government and farmers. Therefore, land expropriation dispute has become the most important factor affecting rural stability and harmony. This has damaged the image and credibility of the government to some extent. The most important cause of land expropriation dispute is the unfair compensation of land expropriation, and the deep reason is that the legal system of land expropriation compensation is not perfect. There is no clear principle of compensation for land expropriation in the Constitution, which leads to many deficiencies in the scope, standards, methods, procedures and remedies of land expropriation. The establishment of the principle of fair compensation in land expropriation can resolve the conflict between norms. When the meaning of legal norms is ambiguous, the principle of fair compensation can be used as the standard of legal interpretation. When there is a loophole in the law, the principle of fair compensation can play the role of filling the loophole. The principle of fair compensation can regulate the operation of land expropriation power. In some difficult cases, the judge can be given the reasons for the judicial decision. Based on the analysis of the legal system of land expropriation at home and abroad, this paper studies the principle of fair compensation for land expropriation in six parts. The first part is the introduction. The second part is about the interpretation of the principle of fair compensation. This paper makes a historical investigation and analysis on the legal system of land expropriation at home and abroad. Almost all constitutional states adhere to the principle of fair compensation. In this part, the value and function of the principle of fair compensation are also analyzed. The author points out that the principle of fair compensation should be the basis of the legal system of land expropriation. The third part is about how to design the legal system of land expropriation under the principle of fair compensation. This paper mainly analyzes how compensation standard and compensation procedure should be designed and under what circumstances compensation should be given. The fourth part is about the principle of fair compensation in the legal system of land expropriation. The standard of compensation, the distribution of compensation and the procedure of compensation are analyzed. The fifth part points out the way to realize the principle of fair compensation in the legal system of land expropriation. It is necessary to reconstruct the legal system of land expropriation in order to meet the requirements of the principle of fair compensation. The sixth part is the conclusion. In the process of urbanization and industrialization, a large number of landless farmers not only lost their land, but also lost their right to basic living security. We must consider the living conditions of landless farmers and give them fair compensation. The principle of fair compensation is the basic principle of the legal system of land expropriation. The establishment of the principle of fair compensation in land expropriation can effectively protect the legal rights and interests of farmers and thus benefit the realization of a harmonious society in rural areas.


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