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发布时间:2018-07-07 15:00

  本文选题:土地资源 + 法律制度 ; 参考:《江西财经大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:土地是人类赖以生存和发展最重要的自然资源。土地既是资源,拥有生态价值;土地同时又是资产,具有经济、社会价值。土地如同土地生命之母,孕育了地球一切生灵,“是一切生产和一切存在的源泉”。土地具有自然资源的特征,又在被人类长期利用过程中形成了自身独特的一些属性。土地资源开发利用即指人类依据一定的目的,通过一定的手段发挥土地的特有功能效益。土地的开发利用效益主要有经济效益、社会效益、生态效益以及伦理效益。土地资源的有效利用就是在可持续发展理论指导下通过设置合理的土地法律制度,引导土地开发利用者在土地利用过程中综合平衡地发挥土地利用的各种功效。 一个国家的任何一项法律制度的构建都是具有其深厚的时代和历史背景,这种制度的延续性在土地利用领域内则更加明显。通过对我国土地法制沿革进行梳理,对于我们了解和反思当今中国的土地利用法制必能起到以史为鉴的重要作用。在中国历史的漫漫长河之中,围绕着土地而设置的土地法律制度是国家法律制度的重要一部分。古代法律制度对土地所有权的设置主要分为官田和民田两种,对土地所有权的流转则实行严厉的高压政策。由于农耕时期工业技术的利用对土地资源的伤害还非常小,土地资源的生态修复功能足以弥补农业利用对土地所造成的伤害,所以在古代对土地的利用主要在于追求土地资源的经济社会功能。但是中央政府过于追求土地的产能时,原本生态优良的土地同样也遭受了不可修复的破坏,沉重的代价启示着人必须合理利用土地资源。进入近现代社会之后,我国对土地所有制、土地使用权流转、土地资源保护都设置了丰富的法律制度规范,由于这些制度设置的追求土地效益目标单一,土地立法技术不够成熟,我国的土地资源利用正面临着严峻的考验。 本论文主要是基于对我国当前土地法律制度的不足分析,在可持续发展理论思想指导下得出,完善土地立法,调整土地资源利用观念,实现土地资源各效益综合平衡发挥是我国当前及以后实现土地资源有效利用的必然选择。只有这样,我们才能实现土地资源经济、社会、生态、伦理效益的可持续发展。达到土地资源有效利用的目的。
[Abstract]:Land is the most important natural resource for human survival and development. Land is not only a resource with ecological value, but also an asset with economic and social value. Land, like the mother of earth's life, gave birth to all living things on earth, "the source of all production and all existence". Land has the characteristics of natural resources and has formed its own unique attributes in the process of long-term utilization by human beings. The exploitation and utilization of land resources refers to the special function benefit of land by certain means according to certain purpose. The benefits of land development and utilization include economic, social, ecological and ethical benefits. Under the guidance of sustainable development theory, the effective use of land resources is to guide the users of land exploitation to give full play to the various functions of land use in the process of land use by setting up a reasonable land legal system. The construction of any legal system of a country has its profound historical background and the continuity of this system is more obvious in the field of land use. By combing the evolution of our country's land legal system, it will surely play an important role in understanding and reflecting on the present China's land use law. In the long river of Chinese history, the land legal system set up around the land is an important part of the national legal system. The establishment of land ownership in ancient legal system is mainly divided into two kinds: government farmland and folk field, while the circulation of land ownership is strictly under high pressure. Since the use of industrial technology during farming is still very little harm to land resources, the ecological restoration function of land resources is sufficient to compensate for the damage caused by agricultural use to the land. Therefore, the use of land in ancient times mainly lies in the pursuit of the economic and social functions of land resources. However, when the central government pursues the production capacity of land too much, the original land with good ecology has also suffered irreparable damage. The heavy cost has revealed that people must use land resources reasonably. After entering the modern society, our country has set up abundant legal system norms for land ownership, land use right circulation and land resources protection. The land legislation technology is not mature enough, our country land resources utilization is facing the stern test. This paper is mainly based on the analysis of the deficiencies of the current land legal system in China, under the guidance of sustainable development theory, to perfect the land legislation, adjust the concept of land resource utilization. It is an inevitable choice to realize the effective utilization of land resources in our country at present and in the future. Only in this way can we realize the sustainable development of economic, social, ecological and ethical benefits of land resources. To achieve the purpose of effective use of land resources.


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