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发布时间:2018-06-30 00:07

  本文选题:农村集体建设用地 + 流转 ; 参考:《武汉工程大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the trend of reform and opening up, the reform of urban state-owned land use system has made obvious progress in China, but the reform of rural collective construction land is always stagnant in the direction of its circulation system. How to improve the circulation system of rural collective construction land will not only affect the future development trend of agriculture, farmers and rural areas, but also affect the steady development of the whole economy. Therefore, the study of this topic is particularly important. Under the current national conditions, our country carries out this system in various places according to the actual situation, has already accumulated quite a lot of experience in this aspect, but there are still many places to be perfected. For this purpose, a systematic study is carried out from the perspective of law. This paper begins with the definition of related concepts, expounds the basic connotation of related concepts, and demonstrates the circulation of rural collective construction land use right from the two aspects of necessity and feasibility. Secondly, the existing laws and regulations are deeply analyzed, and the existing problems are comprehensively discussed. Again, through Japan, Britain, France. From the investigation of the legal system of rural land circulation in the United States and other countries, the stone of the mountain can attack the jade and get a lot of enlightenment from it. Finally, it analyzes the current legal dilemma, on the basis of drawing lessons from the successful experience of foreign rural land circulation legal system, puts forward legal countermeasures and suggestions to improve the legal system of rural collective construction land use right circulation in our country. In order to make our country collective construction land use right circulation legal system gradually perfect. This paper mainly analyzes the current situation of rural collective construction land circulation in China, and points out that the background, significance, present situation, ideas and methods should be studied and innovated constantly to find out the root of imperfection. Secondly, this paper mainly summarizes the circulation system of rural collective construction land, defines it and explains it, and demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of existence. The article also analyzes the relevant laws and regulations, which are mainly based on the current laws and policies, such as the Constitution, the Real right Law, the General principles of Civil Law, the Land Management Law, etc. This paper makes a clear discussion on the legal bottleneck that may be encountered in the circulation mode of rural collective construction land use right. This article also draws lessons from the foreign countryside land circulation system and obtains the enlightenment from it. By comparing the relevant legal systems developed by Japan, Britain and other countries, and combining the legal system of collective construction land transfer and its circulation experience in our country, we can enlighten and guide the reform of rural collective construction land transfer system in our country. Finally, it puts forward some legal suggestions on the improvement of the circulation system of rural collective construction land use right, and the conclusion reached in the above analysis and discussion is to suggest and perfect the legal system. After that, the circulation of collective construction land use right system and related laws and regulations gradually improved.


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