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发布时间:2018-06-26 23:12

  本文选题:土地征收 + 公共利益 ; 参考:《浙江财经大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国城市化的发展和社会主义新农村的建设,对农村集体土地征收已经发展为满足我国各类建设用地的主要途径。我国的土地征收主要是指集体土地征收,基于我国现行土地征收制度的不健全,致使在土地征收的过程中集体土地权利人在实践中无力对抗强势的政府,合法权益往往被不当侵害,酿成大量的社会冲突,对社会的稳定与和谐构成极大威胁。土地对农民来说是其生命之源,农民的生存和发展都要依靠土地来实现,农民一旦失去土地将变得一无所有,可以说土地是农民实现其生存发展权的重要保障。因此,加强我国土地征收法律制度的协调与完善具有十分重大的理论和实际意义。 本文以“我国土地征收法律制度”为主题,对我国土地征收法律制度进行了粗浅的研究,希望对我国土地征收法律制度的协调与完善有所帮助。 首先,对土地征收进行了概述。通过对征收的概念以及征收、征用的区别的分析探讨,明确对我国土地征收的概念进行了理论界定。从法定性、强制性、公益性和程序性这四个方面对我国我国土地征收的特征进行了概括分析。探讨了土地征收的理论基础。通过对学界关于我国土地征收行为性质认定的不同观点进行分析,从而明确界定我国地征收行为性质为经济法行为。 其次,全面分析了我国土地征收的制度设计及问题。通过对土地征收的法律依据、制度安排以及土地征收范围和程序这三个方面探讨了我国土地征收的制度设定。从基本人权的角度界定了失地农民生存发展权的基本含义,并具体分析失地农民生存发展权的法律保障措施,从而促进我国土地征收与失地农民生存发展权的协调。对土地征收法律制度设计存在的公共利益界定不明确、土地征收补偿标准及分配不合理、土地征收程序欠缺导致征地权滥用、失地农民权益保障机制不健全等缺陷进行了探讨。 再次,探讨了对国外土地征收制度的考察与启示。分别对大陆法系国家有代表性的法国、德国、日本,英美法系国家的美国、英国以及经济转型国家中最具特色的俄罗斯这些国外土地征收制度的概况进行了阐述。并比较分析了国外土地征收目的正当性、理论依据、补偿的原则与方式和司法保障等制度规定。从而总结出对我国土地征收制度具有借鉴和启示意义的成功经验和做法。 最后,提出完善我国土地征收制度的思路或对策。在土地征收中要明确区分公益性与经营性用地,,严格界定“公共利益”之范围,强化土地用途管制并促进农村土地征收的市场化。通过将补偿原则宪法化、补偿标准科学化以及规范土地征收补偿的管理与监督等措施实现按照市场价值设计土地补偿制度的目标。通过设定“先予补偿”原则、事前公告、听证程序、强司法审查以及健全征地纠纷解决机制来完善土地征收的程序。通过改革农村集体土地所有权制度和规范政府行为来规范土地征收制度,以防止土地征收权的滥用加强失地农民社会保障工作保障农民权益。此外,还探讨了在土地征收过程中建立耕地保护新机制。
[Abstract]:With the development of China's urbanization and the construction of a new socialist countryside, the collection of rural collective land has been developed to meet the main ways to meet all kinds of construction land in our country. The land expropriation in China mainly refers to the collection of collective land, which is based on the unfitness of the current system of land expropriation in China, resulting in the collective land in the process of land expropriation. The right holder is incapable of confronting a strong government in practice, and the legitimate rights and interests are often wrongly infringed, resulting in a large number of social conflicts and a great threat to the stability and harmony of the society. The land is the source of its life for the peasants, and the farmers' survival and development must depend on the land, and the peasants will become nothing if they lose their land. Land is an important guarantee for farmers to realize their right to survive and develop. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen the coordination and improvement of the legal system of land expropriation in China.
On the theme of "the legal system of land expropriation in China", this paper makes a superficial study on the legal system of land expropriation in China, and hopes to help the coordination and perfection of the legal system of land expropriation in China.
First, the land expropriation is summarized. Through the analysis and discussion of the concept of expropriation and the distinction between expropriation and expropriation, the concept of land expropriation in China is clearly defined. The characteristics of land expropriation in China are summarized and analyzed from four aspects of legality, compulsion, public welfare and procedural nature. The land expropriation is discussed. The theoretical basis of the collection is to analyze the different views of the academic circles on the nature of the land expropriation behavior in our country, so as to clearly define the nature of the land expropriation in our country as the economic law.
Secondly, the system design and problems of land expropriation in China are comprehensively analyzed and the system setting of land expropriation in China is discussed through three aspects of land expropriation legal basis, system arrangement, land expropriation scope and procedure. The basic meaning of land lost farmers' right of survival and development is defined from the angle of basic human rights, and the specific analysis is analyzed. The legal safeguard measures for the right to live and develop the peasants' survival and development, thus promote the coordination of the land expropriation and the right to live and development of the landless peasants in China. The definition of the public interests of the land expropriation legal system is not clear, the compensation standard and distribution of land expropriation is unreasonable, the lack of land expropriation procedures leads to the abuse of land rights, and the protection of the rights and interests of the landless peasants The defects of the mechanism are not perfect.
Thirdly, it discusses the investigation and Enlightenment of the land expropriation system abroad, and expounds the general situation of the foreign land expropriation system in the representative countries of France, Germany, Japan, the United States and the Anglo American law countries, the United Kingdom and the countries in the economic transition countries, and compares and analyses the foreign land sign. Due to the justification of the purpose, the theoretical basis, the principles and methods of compensation and the judicial guarantee, the successful experiences and practices of reference and Enlightenment to the land expropriation system in China are summed up.
Finally, we put forward some ideas and Countermeasures to improve the land expropriation system in our country. In the land expropriation, we should clearly distinguish between public welfare and business land, strictly define the scope of "public interest", strengthen the control of land use and promote the marketization of rural land expropriation. The management and supervision of compensation should be taken to achieve the goal of designing the land compensation system according to the market value. By setting the principle of "pre compensation", pre announcement, hearing procedure, strong judicial review and perfecting the settlement mechanism of land expropriation, the system of land acquisition is perfected by the reform of the system of collective land ownership and regulation in rural areas. In order to prevent the abuse of land expropriation rights and strengthen the social security work of landless peasants, the land expropriation system should be regulated to prevent the rights of land levied. In addition, a new mechanism for the establishment of cultivated land protection in the process of land expropriation is also discussed.


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