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发布时间:2018-06-22 14:57

  本文选题:土地征收 + 公共利益 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着社会经济的快速发展和我国城镇化建设步伐的加快,土地的需求量越来越大。我国城市现有的土地已远远不能满足城市发展和各类建设需求,为了协调用地矛盾,国家只有通过征收将农村集体经济组织的土地转为国家所有以解决用地问题。但是,土地对于农民来说,是他们的衣食之本,失去土地不仅意味着失去了土地的使用权,而且意味着失去了围绕土地产生的各项权利,比如获取经济利益的权利、生存保障的权利等。土地征收是国家运用公权力对土地资源再次分配的过程,是为了更大的利益而在农民利益和社会公众利益间做出抉择的过程。如何使土地征收更具有合法性,使农民这一弱势群体的利益获得最大程度的保护,正是本文的目的。土地征收是一个兼具公法和私法属性的法律行为,本文着重在私法视角上探讨这一问题,以求土地征收制度在适用中达到对权利的均衡保护。 本文由引言、正文和结语三部分组成,其中正文又分为五部分,内容如下: 第一部分为土地征收制度基本理论,通过对土地征收的概念、特征的界定,明确论题的对象和范围;通过对土地征收制度法律属性和法理基础的阐述,引出土地征收制度存在的必要性以及应通过公法和私法双重手段对土地征收行为进行规制。本部分主要是提出论题、明确论题。 第二部分为各国土地征收制度的比较法研究。通过对美国、英国、法国等国家征地制度的比较法考察,分析不同国家征地制度的共通之处,为分析我国征地制度所存在的问题作铺垫,并为完善我国现行土地征收制度提供借鉴。 第三部分是分析土地征收行为对被征土地上所依附的各项民事权利的影响,从而为有效补偿被征地群体民事利益提供理论依据。 第四部分详细分析我国现行土地征收制度所存在的问题,包括征收前提、程序、补偿等方面存在的问题,并从私法视角解读这些问题。 第五部分是本文关于我国土地征收制度的立法建议,从完善制度、合理界定征收前提和给予合理补偿等角度分析土地征收专门法的制定方向。在本部分,笔者引入了征地补偿的民事救济方式。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of social economy and the acceleration of urbanization in China, the demand for land is increasing. In order to coordinate the contradiction of land use, the state can only transfer the land of rural collective economic organizations to state ownership to solve the problem of land use. But for farmers, land is the root of their food and clothing. Losing land means not only losing the right to use the land, but also the rights surrounding the land, such as the right to obtain economic benefits. The right to security of existence, etc. Land expropriation is a process in which the state redistributes land resources by using public power. It is a process of making a choice between the interests of farmers and the interests of the public for the sake of greater interests. The purpose of this paper is how to make land expropriation more legitimate and to protect the interests of this vulnerable group. Land expropriation is a legal act with the attributes of both public law and private law. This paper focuses on this issue from the perspective of private law in order to achieve the balanced protection of rights in the application of land expropriation system. This paper is composed of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion, in which the text is divided into five parts, the content is as follows: the first part is the basic theory of land expropriation system, through the concept of land expropriation, the definition of characteristics, By expounding the legal attributes and legal basis of land expropriation system, the necessity of the existence of land expropriation system and the regulation of land expropriation behavior should be carried out by public law and private law. This part is mainly to put forward the topic, clear the topic. The second part is the comparative study of land expropriation system in various countries. Through the comparative study of the land expropriation system in the United States, Britain, France and other countries, this paper analyzes the common features of the land expropriation systems in different countries, and lays the groundwork for the analysis of the problems existing in the land expropriation system in China. And to improve the current land expropriation system in China to provide reference. The third part is to analyze the impact of land expropriation on the civil rights of the expropriated land, thus providing a theoretical basis for the effective compensation of the civil interests of the expropriated groups. The fourth part analyzes the problems existing in the current land expropriation system in China, including the premise of expropriation, procedure, compensation and so on, and interprets these problems from the perspective of private law. The fifth part is the legislative suggestion of the land expropriation system of our country. It analyzes the direction of the special law of land expropriation from the angle of perfecting the system, defining the premise of expropriation reasonably and giving reasonable compensation. In this part, the author introduces the civil relief method of land expropriation compensation.


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