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发布时间:2018-06-17 01:04

  本文选题:土地股份合作社 + 土地承包经营权 ; 参考:《甘肃政法学院》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:农村土地股份合作社是在家庭联产承包经营制度自身改革和发展的实践过程中创新出来的土地利用方式。由于理论基础研究的薄弱以及法律规范的滞后,使得农村土地股份合作社在发展过程中出现的一系列问题得不到及时解决,严重影响土地股份合作社的发展壮大。本文将农村土地股份合作社置身于现代农业建设市场化进程的大环境下,通过对农村土地股份合作社的发展实践以及立法现状进行分析,找出其发展面临的主要问题,从而为构建农村土地股份合作社法律制度提出相关的对策和建议。文章正文分为四个部分: 第一部分:导论。首先对农村土地股份合作社的内涵和产生的背景进行解读,,然后对农村土地股份合作社制度产生的法学理论基础、政策条件分析、立法现状作了进一步的阐释。 第二部分:农村土地股份合作社的内部治理结构与法律关系。通过对农村土地股份合作社的内部组织结构的梳理,对其治理机制进行分析研究,从而找出其内部的法律关系和权利义务关系。 第三部分:我国农村土地股份合作社制度的发展现状。首先从股份构成、股权配置、收益分配机制等方面入手解读我国农村土地股份合作社的基本运行模式,对土地股份合作社对于农业发展的积极意义予以充分肯定,同时找出我国农村土地股份合作社在现行法律框架下存在的问题。 第四部分:完善我国农村土地股份合作社法律制度的构想。针对我国农村土地股份合作社制度发展中出现的问题以及相关法律的空白,提出通过修改相关立法,明确土地股份合作社的法律地位、明晰产权结构、规范管理运行机制、完善风险机制和社会保障体系等建议与对策,从而完善我国农村土地股份合作社法律制度体系。
[Abstract]:The rural land stock cooperative is an innovative land use mode in the process of the reform and development of the household contract management system. Due to the weakness of theoretical basic research and the lag of legal norms, a series of problems in the development of rural land stock cooperatives can not be solved in time, which seriously affects the development and growth of land stock cooperatives. In this paper, we put the rural land stock cooperatives in the great environment of the marketization process of the modern agricultural construction, through the analysis of the development practice and legislation status of the rural land stock cooperatives, find out the main problems facing the development of rural land stock cooperatives. So as to construct the rural land shares cooperative legal system put forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions. The text of the article is divided into four parts: the first part: introduction. At first, the connotation and background of rural land stock cooperative are interpreted, then the legal theory foundation, policy condition and legislation status of rural land stock cooperative system are further explained. The second part: the internal governance structure and legal relationship of rural land stock cooperatives. Through combing the internal organizational structure of the rural land stock cooperative, this paper analyzes and studies its governance mechanism, and finds out its internal legal relationship and the relationship between rights and obligations. The third part: the present situation of the rural land stock cooperative system in China. First of all, from the aspects of the composition of shares, the allocation of shares, the mechanism of income distribution and so on, the paper interprets the basic mode of operation of the rural land stock cooperatives in China, and fully affirms the positive significance of the land shares cooperatives for the development of agriculture. At the same time, find out the existing problems of rural land stock cooperatives in the current legal framework. The fourth part: the conception of perfecting the legal system of the rural land stock cooperative in our country. In view of the problems in the development of the rural land stock cooperative system and the blank of relevant laws, this paper proposes that the legal status of the land stock cooperative should be clarified, the structure of property right should be clarified, and the management and operation mechanism should be standardized by amending the relevant legislation. In order to perfect the legal system of rural land stock cooperatives, we should perfect the risk mechanism and social security system.


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