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发布时间:2018-10-30 15:43
【摘要】: 土地是人类赖以生存和发展的基础,土地对于农民而言更是与其息息相关。我国的集体土地所有权制度,产生并形成于社会主义公有制体制之下,随着改革开放和经济体制改革,集体土地所有权制度逐渐形成了自己独特的体系。目前,我国虽然确立了以集体土地所有权为基础,家庭联产承包经营为主要内容的土地利用制度,但是该制度在理论和实践上存在诸多缺陷,难以反映农民对土地权利的要求。《物权法》虽然对集体土地所有权制度做出了一些进步的规定,但是集体土地所有权的许多基本问题并没有得到解决,达不到对集体土地所有权制度有效改革的需要,所以有必要对集体土地所有权做进一步研究。本文立足于中国的现实,对集体土地所有权存在的问题进行分析,并进而提出集体土地所有权制度的改革思路。 全文共分四个部分: 第一部分:集体土地所有权制度形成、发展的历史考察。我国集体土地所有权制度,是建国以后经过一系列的改革形成的。大体经历了四个阶段:新中国土地改革;农业合作化;人民公社时期;农民集体所有,家庭承包经营。 第二部分:集体土地所有权制度的立法现状及其现存主要问题。本文从法律逻辑的角度对集体土地所有权制度存在的问题进行了分析。所有权主体模糊是集体土地所有权存在的主要问题之一:所有权主体即“农民集体”在法律上概念不清,法律性质不明。所有权权能在法律上受到过度、不合理的限制以及土地征收制度对集体土地所有权的保护不充分是集体土地所有权存在的另一问题。 第三部分:农村集体土地所有权制度的改革方案及其评析。我国学术界对集体土地所有权制度进行了深入分析和研究,针对其存在的种种弊端提出了不同的改革方案。主要是包括:农村土地国有化方案;农村土地私有化方案;复合所有制方案;保留集体土地所有权,实行土地用益物权制度的改革,即改良化。通过分析,上述四种改革方案都不是适合我国国情的最佳选择。 第四部分:我国集体土地所有权改革的具体构想。立足于我国的基本国情,对于集体土地所有权的改革:首先,必须坚持土地集体所有;第二,明确集体土地所有权主体;第三,合理构建农民集体的组织形式;第四,明确农民在集体中“社员权”的具体内容;第五,完善集体土地所有权权能,加强对集体土地所有权的保护。
[Abstract]:Land is the basis of human survival and development, and it is closely related to farmers. The collective land ownership system of our country came into being and formed under the socialist public ownership system. With the reform and opening up and the economic system reform, the collective land ownership system gradually formed its own unique system. At present, China has established a land use system based on collective land ownership and household contract management, but the system has many defects in theory and practice. It is difficult to reflect the peasants' demand for land rights. Although the property Law has made some progressive provisions on the system of collective land ownership, many basic problems of collective land ownership have not been solved. So it is necessary to do further research on collective land ownership. Based on the reality of China, this paper analyzes the problems existing in collective land ownership, and then puts forward the reform ideas of collective land ownership system. The paper is divided into four parts: the first part: the formation and development of collective land ownership system. The system of collective land ownership in our country was formed by a series of reforms after the founding of the people's Republic of China. It has experienced four stages: land reform in New China, agricultural cooperation, people's commune period, collective ownership of farmers and household contract management. The second part: the legislation status and existing problems of collective land ownership system. This paper analyzes the problems existing in collective land ownership system from the angle of legal logic. The ambiguity of ownership subject is one of the main problems of collective land ownership: the ownership subject, that is, "peasant collective", is not clear in law, and the nature of law is not clear. It is another problem of collective land ownership that the power of ownership is excessive, unreasonable restriction and inadequate protection of collective land ownership in land expropriation system. The third part: the reform scheme of rural collective land ownership system and its evaluation. The academic circles of our country have carried on the thorough analysis and the research to the collective land ownership system, has proposed the different reform plan according to its various malpractices. The main contents include: nationalization of rural land; privatization of rural land; compound ownership; retention of collective land ownership; implementation of the reform of land usufruct system, that is, improvement. Through analysis, the above four reform programs are not suitable for the best choice of China's national conditions. The fourth part: the concrete conception of collective land ownership reform in our country. Based on the basic conditions of our country, the reform of collective land ownership should be based on the following aspects: firstly, collective ownership of land must be adhered to; second, the main body of collective land ownership should be clearly defined; third, the organizational form of collective peasants should be constructed rationally. Fourth, make clear the concrete content of peasants'"membership right" in the collective; fifthly, perfect the collective land ownership power, strengthen the protection of collective land ownership.


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