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发布时间:2018-10-12 13:27
【摘要】:近年来,由城市房屋拆迁所引发的社会问题屡见报端,暴力拆迁屡禁不止,拆迁矛盾严重影响了我国和谐社会的建设。2011年1月21日,国务院公布实施《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》,被许多专家学者称作“恶法”的《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》寿终正寝,新旧法的更替有效缓解了这一矛盾。但一部新的行政法规不能从根本上消除我国城市房屋拆迁中存在的各种痼疾,必须从思想根源上进行反思,,坚持社会正义与公平,构建具有中国特色的房屋拆迁正当程序,从根本上解决我国城市房屋拆迁存在的各种矛盾。 西方正当程序理论源远流长,内容博大精深,西方房屋拆迁正当程序的构建均以之为理论基础。我国城市大规模发展仅数十年,房屋拆迁缺乏基本的理论指引,西方正当程序理论对我国房屋拆迁具有重要的借鉴作用,但是由于国情不同,中国房屋拆迁正当程序的构建所面临的问题比西方复杂得多。立足本国国情,借鉴西方发展经验,在城市房屋拆迁过程中必须做到实体与程序并重、维护被拆迁人的尊严,坚持公平为主兼顾效率,构建正当程序。 我国城市房屋拆迁现有程序主要存在以下问题:拆迁程序与人权观念相冲突;公共利益审查程序缺失;拆迁全程缺乏公众参与;缺乏公正、公平的补偿程序;缺乏正当的强制拆迁程序;拆迁监督问责与司法救济缺位等。房屋拆迁正当程序构建,应坚持保护公民私有财产原则,公众参与原则,公正、及时、足额的补偿原则,监督原则和有效的权利救济原则等。房屋拆迁应包含征收程序(包括公共利益确认与审查、拆迁决定与补偿安置、听证与公告)、强制拆迁程序为主要内容,同时,还需建立与之配套的保障机制,完善行政问责和司法救济程序。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the social problems caused by the demolition of urban houses are frequently seen in newspapers. The violent demolition is not only prohibited, but also the contradiction of demolition seriously affects the construction of a harmonious society in China. On January 21, 2011, the construction of a harmonious society in China has been seriously affected. The State Council has promulgated and implemented the regulations on the Collection and compensation of Housing on State-owned Land, which is called the "Draconian Law" by many experts and scholars, and the "regulations on the Administration of Urban Housing demolition", which is called the "draconian Law", have been put to an end. The replacement of the new and the old laws effectively alleviates this contradiction. However, a new administrative law cannot fundamentally eliminate all kinds of chronic diseases existing in the demolition of urban houses in China. It must reflect on its ideological roots, adhere to social justice and fairness, and build a proper process of house demolition with Chinese characteristics. Fundamentally solve all kinds of contradictions existing in the demolition of urban houses in our country. The western theory of due process has a long history and its contents are extensive and profound. The large-scale development of Chinese cities is only decades, and the house demolition lacks the basic theoretical guidance. The western due process theory has an important reference to the house demolition in our country, but because of the different national conditions, the western due process theory has important reference function to the house demolition in our country. The problems faced by the construction of due process of house demolition in China are much more complicated than those in the West. Based on the national conditions of our country and drawing lessons from the western development experience, we must pay equal attention to the entity and the procedure in the process of urban house demolition, maintain the dignity of the person being demolished, insist on giving priority to fairness and give consideration to efficiency, and construct due process. The following problems exist in the existing procedures of urban house demolition in China: the conflict between the demolition procedure and the concept of human rights, the lack of public interest review procedure, the lack of public participation in the whole process of demolition, the lack of fair and equitable compensation procedures; Lack of proper forced removal procedures, demolition supervision accountability and judicial relief absence. In the construction of due process of house demolition, we should insist on the principles of protecting citizens' private property, public participation, fair, timely and full compensation, supervision and effective right relief, etc. The house demolition should include the expropriation procedure (including the confirmation and examination of public interest, the decision of demolition and compensation, the hearing and announcement), and the compulsory demolition procedure should be the main content. At the same time, it is necessary to establish the corresponding safeguard mechanism. Improve administrative accountability and judicial relief procedures.


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