本文关键词: 陕甘宁边区 民主建设 选举制度 出处:《郑州大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:选举制度是一国政治制度的重要组成部分,有很高的政治价值和社会价值。在中国百年宪政的历史中,陕甘宁边区的民主选举制度独树一帜。陕甘宁边区是中国革命的圣地,也是近代民主政治制度的发源地,它不同于封建军阀割据,也不同于国民党的独裁统治,而是给予人民充分民主权力的抗日根据地。边区的民主选举制度是党在特殊历史条件下的英明抉择,符合时代的发展,遵循了历史的规律,具有与时俱进的可贵品质。 中国共产党在关于抗日战争政权性质及其选举政策的科学调整,彻底纠正了王明的左倾错误政策,为陕甘宁边区的政权组织建设和民主选举制度指明了方向,为边区选举立法提供了重要指导思想。为适应抗日民族统一战线政权的需要,中国共产党在继承苏维埃革命时期民主选举制度的基础上,对选举立法进行了重大改革,实行“普遍、直接、平等、无记名、自由”选举的原则和“三三制”原则,同时还推行了竞选运动。1937年5月到1946年3月之间,陕甘宁边区一共进行了三次大规模的选举运动。这三次选举热潮成功推进了边区政治动员,实现了民主抗日,为新中国的建立打下了良好基础,同时也培养了民众参政议政的意识和热情,调动了他们参加选举的积极性,真正实现了人民当家作主。陕甘宁边区的民主选举有力推进了中国近代民主化的进程,在我国近现代选举史上有着举足轻重的地位,它是中国新民主主义革命的产物和时代发展的必然选择。中国共产党在边区艰难的环境下创立的民主选举制度具有鲜明的时代进步色彩,促进了抗战的伟大胜利,也为新中国和后世的选举制度提供了宝贵的经验。 研究陕甘宁边区的选举制度,可以为我国当代的选举制度提供经验和启示,比如扩大民主监督、引进竞选机制等。当前我国正处于改革的关键阶段和重要转型期,社会经济建设不断发展,民主政治建设也应同步推进。因此,选举制度的改革与完善应与时俱进。只有这样才能更好地实现人民当家作主、巩固党的领导地位、促进和谐社会的构建。
[Abstract]:The electoral system is an important part of a country's political system, with high political and social values. In the history of China's century-old constitutionalism, the democratic electoral system of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border region is unique. The Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border region is the holy site of the Chinese revolution. It is also the birthplace of the modern democratic political system, which is different from the feudal warlords and the dictatorship of the Kuomintang. The democratic electoral system in the Border region is the wise choice of the Party under the special historical conditions, which accords with the development of the times, follows the law of history and has the valuable quality of keeping pace with the times. The scientific readjustment of the nature of the anti-Japanese war regime and its electoral policy by the Communist Party of China has completely corrected Wang Ming's wrong left-leaning policy and pointed out the direction for the building of political power organizations and the democratic electoral system in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border region. In order to meet the needs of the anti-Japanese national United front regime, the Communist Party of China carried out a major reform of electoral legislation on the basis of inheriting the democratic electoral system during the Soviet revolution. The principle of "universal, direct, equal, secret and free" elections and the principle of "three or three systems", as well as the campaign campaign... between May 1937 and March 1946, A total of three large-scale electoral campaigns were conducted in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border region, which successfully promoted political mobilization in the border region, realized democratic resistance against Japan, and laid a good foundation for the establishment of new China. At the same time, it has also cultivated the awareness and enthusiasm of the people to participate in political affairs, mobilized their enthusiasm to participate in elections, and really realized that the people are masters of their own affairs. The democratic elections in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border region have been able to advance the process of democratization in modern China. In the modern election history of our country has a pivotal position, It is the product of the new democratic revolution in China and the inevitable choice of the development of the times. The democratic election system established by the Communist Party of China in the difficult environment of the border region has a distinctive progressive color of the times and has promoted the great victory of the War of Resistance against Japan. It also provides valuable experience for the election system of New China and later generations. The study of the electoral system in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border region can provide experience and inspiration for the contemporary electoral system in China, such as expanding democratic supervision, introducing election mechanisms, and so on. At present, our country is in a critical stage of reform and an important transition period. With the continuous development of social and economic construction, the construction of democracy and politics should be promoted simultaneously. Therefore, the reform and improvement of the electoral system should keep pace with the times. Only in this way can the people become masters of their own country and consolidate the leading position of the Party. To promote the construction of a harmonious society.
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