本文选题:村民自治 切入点:村民委员会组织法 出处:《甘肃政法学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The villagers' autonomy, which began in the early 1980s, is a great achievement of the grass-roots democratic construction in China's rural areas. Its implementation has made a profound change in the way of rural social governance, that is, the state has given the villagers the right to delegate power at the grass-roots level. The villagers manage their affairs in rural areas in a statutory manner, so as to truly realize that the peasants themselves are responsible for the soil. The Organic Law of the villagers' Committee, as the basic law of villagers' autonomy, has been promulgated since 1987. It has played an important role in the smooth operation of the villagers' autonomy system. However, with the deepening of villagers' autonomy in the whole country, The Organic Law of the villagers Committee formulated around the villagers Committee changed the nature of group autonomy at the time when the villagers committee was formed, gave it too much responsibility, and alienated the nature of the organization of the village committee. To a certain extent, it has become the administrative organ of the grassroots people's governments in the rural areas, so that villagers' autonomy to a certain extent also flows into shape. And with the development of the rural economy in depth, The current Organic Law of the villagers' Committees is full of flaws in dealing with the affairs of villagers' autonomy. If we want to solve the problems mentioned above, it is not as simple as amending and perfecting the Organic Law of the villagers' Committees. In the face of the complex rural affairs, the "Organic Law of the villagers' Committee", which is dominated by the villagers' Committee, has been overburdened. Therefore, this paper advocates the reconstruction of the "Organic Law of the villagers' Committee". Instead of amending the so-called "articles" on the basis of the existing Organic Law of the villagers' Committees. By reconstructing the Organic Law of the villagers' Committees, we can refine the existing Organic Law of the villagers' Committees before formulating the "villagers' self". To improve the relevant laws of the villagers' autonomy system, Establish a system of villager autonomy with Chinese characteristics.
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