[Abstract]:In order to eliminate illiteracy and improve the cultural quality of the whole people, our country has always been committed to the implementation of compulsory education. In view of the imbalance of urban and rural economic development, resulting in the uneven distribution of urban and rural compulsory education resources, rural compulsory education has become the focus and difficulty of education in our country. In order to improve and improve the level of rural compulsory education, the state guarantees the necessary capital investment of rural compulsory education through financial transfer payment. However, due to the current rural compulsory education system is not perfect, as well as the supervision of financial transfer payment is not in place, resulting in a variety of problems in rural compulsory education financial transfer payment in recent years. This article uses the literature analysis method, the system analysis method, the comparative analysis method and so on research method, divides into five parts to carry on the research and the expounding to the rural compulsory education financial transfer payment legal supervision question. The first part introduces the present situation and research significance of the financial transfer payment of compulsory education. The second part expounds the theoretical basis of compulsory education financial transfer payment (public goods attribute of compulsory education, fairness theory, principal-agent theory), the legal basis of legal supervision of rural compulsory education financial transfer payment (the concept of financial rule of law and the concept of power supervision) and the importance of legal supervision of rural compulsory education, so as to lay the theoretical foundation of this study. The third part summarizes the problems and causes in the legal supervision of financial transfer payment of rural compulsory education in China. The main problems are the lack of relevant legislation of financial transfer payment and the imperfect supervision system of law enforcement. Among them, the problems of supervision system include: the budget preparation of financial supervision is not perfect, the distribution system is not scientific, the relevant laws of audit supervision exist loopholes, there are defects in the establishment, a lot of work is lagging behind, the budget content of supervision and audit by the people's Congress is relatively broad, the budget examination ignores the extra-budgetary funds, the proportion of government officials in the people's Congress is too large, and there is a lack of expert personnel among the deputies to the National people's Congress. The fourth part introduces and sums up the supervision experience and practice of typical foreign countries, and holds that our country should draw lessons from the foreign experience to construct the legalized and standardized legal supervision system, establish a perfect and strict law enforcement supervision system, and attach importance to the important role of audit supervision in the legal supervision of transfer payment. The fifth part, combined with the full text, puts forward the following countermeasures: perfecting the legislation of rural compulsory education financial transfer payment and the construction of supervision by the rule of law, establishing an omni-directional law enforcement supervision system with the participation of power organs, financial departments, audit departments and society, while strengthening the supervision of general financial transfer payment, paying attention to the legal supervision of the whole process of rural compulsory education financial transfer payment, We should pay more attention to the construction of legal supervision team for financial transfer payment of rural compulsory education. The use of rural compulsory education funds is a major event related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and must not be reduced to a tool for the benefit of some people. Through the thorough study of the supervision of financial transfer payment of rural compulsory education, we can really ensure that rural children enjoy fair, fair and high-quality compulsory education.
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