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发布时间:2019-06-17 21:05
[Abstract]:Corruption is a serious violation of law and discipline, not only to endanger and destroy the authority and the actual effect of the law, but also to destroy the economic basis of our country's socialism, and to shake the political foundation of our society. Corruption is a potential threat to the Party, the State and society. With the continuous disclosure of corruption cases, the Central Committee and the State, as well as the masses of the people, have given a high degree of attention to such incidents. Corruption is the abuse of the government's public power, and it can be said that the fundamental measures to curb corruption are not to punish, but to prevent and control corruption. The historical experience has shown that the most characteristic of all corruption and corrupt practices lies in the secrecy of its conduct. In reality, the non-openness of the government management system and the administrative act provides a means for the corrupt behavior of the corrupt. At the same time, in the present day of the information as an important resource, the administrative subject has a lot of information, and the administrative information is an important part of the legal administration and the rational administration. It is one of the important subjects of building the government of the rule of law and the society of the rule of law, and is an important channel and means of anti-corruption. From this background, we can see that the public information disclosure and the anti-corruption have the natural relation, the two interact, promote each other, carry out the administrative information publicity, let the power be exercised under the supervision of the people, can effectively prevent the power out of control, The decision-making error and the behavior anomie. Therefore, the public system of administrative information is the internal requirement of anti-corruption. However, the public information disclosure of our country is still in the initial stage, only the regulations on the public information of the government are in the current legal norm, and the government information disclosure regulations of our country are the administrative regulations, and the content is to be improved. The practical operability of the regulations is not strong, the scope of information disclosure is vague, it is hard to connect with other legal norms, the judicial relief form is the same, and the problems of the right to know and the right to privacy in the public information disclosure have not been solved. Therefore, the system of administrative information disclosure can not effectively play its function of inhibiting corruption and strengthening the construction of the clean and honest administration of the administrative subject. Therefore, the first part of this paper, based on the great background of the interaction between the public information disclosure and the anti-corruption and the anti-corruption, discusses the writing value and the guiding function of this paper in the light of the present situation of the research and the current situation of the legislation both at home and abroad. The second part mainly discusses the anti-corruption legal basis of the administrative information public system, which is the basic principle of the three administrative law, namely the right restriction power, the legitimacy of the procedure and the essential requirements of the administration by law. It also explains that the public system of administrative information has the function of restraining corruption, regulating the administrative act, ensuring the right to know and the supervision right of the opposite person, reducing the administrative cost, establishing the rule of law and the responsibility of the government. The third part draws on the practical experience of the foreign legal system, the prevention system of anti-corruption and the supervision mechanism, and summarizes the perfect legal system by comparing the domestic and foreign administrative information public system. The three anti-corruption patterns and the sound supervision mechanism have great realistic and theoretical significance to the process of anti-corruption in our country, and the fourth part is mainly from the legal norm and the administrative discretion, The paper analyzes the shortcomings of the present administrative information public system in the anti-corruption function in four aspects, such as the administrative procedure and the relief system, and analyzes the causes of the defect that the legal system is not sound, the open system is not smooth, and the operation system is not smooth. Because the main function of the system of administrative information disclosure is to prevent and punish corruption at the root of the system, the focus of this chapter is to bury the underlying pen for the legal path of building the governance corruption by analyzing the real-time loophole; the last chapter is combined with the current hot-spot, in the "three-public funds" and the "public participation in decision-making", Taking the "public service information" as the entry point, in combination with the newly promulgated Provisional Regulations on Real Estate Registration and the Interim Measures for the Criminal Procedure of Major Administrative Decision-making in Sichuan Province, in view of the national conditions of our country, from the three aspects of "employment", "to fix things" and "to spend money", a practical and practical proposal is put forward. And the above recommendations are fixed in the form of a law. in ord to strengthen that rule of law, the author hope that by establishing and perfecting the public system of administrative information to provide a legal path for the prevention and treatment of corruption, it is necessary to strengthen the restriction of administrative power, to guarantee the legitimacy of the administrative procedure to the purpose of promoting the administration of the law and to improve the credibility of the government, with a view to strengthening the country of the rule of law, The rule of law government and the construction of the rule of law society.


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