发布时间:2018-01-13 08:23
本文关键词:国内区块链研究热点的文献计量分析 出处:《情报杂志》2017年12期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:[目的/意义]区块链有望媲美蒸汽机、电力、信息、互联网科技,成为下一个最有可能颠覆人们生活方式的触点,研究区块链对人类社会发展大有裨益。[方法/过程]以CNKI期刊库2015-2017年5月发表的区块链论文作为研究对象,使用Cite Space工具绘制可视化知识图谱,进行关键词分析、作者共现分析和作者-关键词耦合分析,展现我国区块链研究的时间与空间分布特征、研究热点,并追踪最前沿研究问题。[结果/结论]我国区块链发展如火如荼,但研究成果尚未形成体系,作者科研合作群体有待形成;研究热点主题包括基础与应用两方面,方向多且分散,有待进一步深化;未来的研究重点由理论研究逐渐渗透至将区块链付诸实践的应用性研究。
[Abstract]:[Objective / significance] Block chain is expected to be comparable to steam engine, electricity, information, Internet technology, and become the next most likely to disrupt people's way of life contact, the study of block chain for the development of human society has great benefits. [Methods: the block chain paper published in May of CNKI periodical library from 2015 to 2017 was used as the research object. The visual knowledge map was drawn with Cite Space tool. The key words analysis, author co-occurrence analysis and author-keyword coupling analysis show the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of block chain research in China, research hot spots, and track the most advanced research issues. [Results / conclusion] the development of block chain in China is in full swing, but the research results have not yet formed a system, and the group of authors' scientific research cooperation needs to be formed. The hot research topics include basic and application aspects, which have many directions and are scattered, and need to be further deepened. The emphasis of future research is gradually permeated from theoretical research to practical research on block chain.
【作者单位】: 山东工商学院经济学院;
【基金】:山东省自然科学基金项目“生产性服务业集聚平台的网络性风险及其防范机制:来自山东的实证”(编号:ZR2016GM15) 山东省社会科学规划项目“半岛蓝色经济区海洋人才生态系统构建及公共政策选择研究”(编号:16CRCJ05)
【正文快照】: 0引言目前,关于区块链的定义尚未统一。通常而言,区块链是指伴随比特币的大行其道而逐渐浮出水面的一种通过块链式数据结构验证与存储数据、通过分布式节点共识算法生成与更新数据、通过密码学确保数据传输与访问的安全、通过由自动化脚本代码组成的智能合约编程与操作数据的,