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发布时间:2018-02-26 00:29

  本文关键词: 多金属矿 边界品位 蒙特卡洛 动态优化 软件 出处:《中南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:摘要:矿产资源属于有限的、不可再生的极度宝贵资源,如何合理高效利用是摆在每一个矿业工作者面前的重要使命。边界品位的确定就是矿产开发中一个尤为关键的决策问题,它的选择直接影响到矿石储量,进而影响矿山的生产规模,最终开采境界,设备选型和矿山生产寿命等。合理优化边界品位指标,对充分利用矿产资源,保障矿企利润,增加资源储量、延长矿山的服务年限等有着重要的经济和社会意义。 本文运用数学方法结合计算机技术对影响矿山边界品位确定的各种因素进行了具体分析研究,提出了利用蒙特卡洛模拟进行多金属生产矿山边界品位优化的新方法,建立了边界品位优化相关的数学模型,创建了矿山技术经济指标与成本数据库,开发了一套多金属共伴生铜矿边界品位动态优化管理软件,从而为多金属生产矿山的管理和边界品位的优化提供有力帮助。 通过研究,项目取得了一定的理论和实际成果: (1)分新建矿山、在产矿山和局部矿体三种情况建立了实现边界品位方案优化的地质储量模型、生产能力模型、投资模型、成本模型、收益模型、税收与折旧模型、经济目标模型和矿产品价格预测模型8个计算模型;给出了局部低品位矿石回收与否的具体决策方案。 (2)针对目前仅从单个因素或少数几个因素来优化矿山指标,未考虑多决策变量的整体优化的现状,详细分析了影响矿山边界品位确定的各种因素和生产投入变量,提出了利用蒙特卡洛模拟进行边界品位优化的方法,并阐述了具体实现过程。 (3)对于多金属共伴生矿床而言,如果单纯的以某一元素作为评价对象来圈定矿体的话,势必会产生巨大的资源浪费,故提出了运用当量品位概念进行矿石边界品位确定的方法,并具体研究了折算当量品位的方法和公式。 (4)通过研究城门山铜矿技术经济指标和开采成本情况,利用SQL Server2008数据库软件和.NET4.0编程软件,创建了城门山铜矿技术经济指标与成本数据库。利用数据库可以轻松实现矿山技术经济指标与成本信息的存储、查询、利用和整合,大大方便矿山的管理工作并且为矿床边界品位动态优化提供了平台及基础数据。 (5)利用.NET4.0编程软件,开发了功能强大的边界品位动态优化程序,该程序包含了影响边界品位确定的各种计算模型,数据全面,测算过程逻辑清楚,操作简单,利用该程序测算出的边界品位具有非常高的实用价值,能够节约大量的成本和人力资源。 (6)结合技术经济指标与成本数据管理和边界品位测算两个功能而创建的网络版“多金属铜矿边界品位动态优化管理系统”软件,只需建立一个服务器即可在网上进行操作,为用户单位和集团公司搭建了一个可靠的资源共享管理平台,用户能够更加简单、快速、高效的使用系统来进行技术经济指标和成本的管理以及边界品位优化测算。
[Abstract]:Abstract: mineral resources are limited, non-renewable and extremely valuable resources. How to make rational and efficient use of mineral resources is an important task for every mining worker. The determination of boundary grade is a particularly critical decision problem in mineral exploitation, and its choice directly affects ore reserves. Thus affecting the production scale, the final mining boundary, the equipment selection and the mine production life of the mine, the reasonable optimization of the boundary grade index can make full use of the mineral resources, guarantee the profits of the mining enterprises, and increase the reserves of the resources. It is of great economic and social significance to extend the service life of mines. In this paper, the mathematical method combined with computer technology is used to analyze and study the factors affecting the determination of mine boundary grade, and a new method for optimizing the boundary grade of multi-metal production mines by Monte Carlo simulation is put forward. A mathematical model related to boundary grade optimization is established, a database of mine technical and economic indexes and cost is established, and a set of dynamic optimization management software for boundary grade of multi-metal associated copper mines is developed. Therefore, it is helpful for the management of polymetallic production mine and the optimization of boundary grade. Through the research, the project has achieved some theoretical and practical results:. The geological reserve model, production capacity model, investment model, cost model, income model, tax revenue model and depreciation model of boundary grade scheme are established in the three conditions of producing mine and local ore body. The economic target model and mineral product price prediction model are used to calculate 8 models, and the specific decision scheme of local low grade ore recovery or not is given. In view of the present situation that only single factor or a few factors are used to optimize the mine index and the multi-decision variables are not considered, the factors affecting the determination of mine boundary grade and the production input variable are analyzed in detail. A method of boundary grade optimization by Monte Carlo simulation is proposed, and the realization process is described. 3) for the polymetallic co-associated ore deposit, if a single element is used as the evaluation object to delineate the orebody, it will inevitably lead to a huge waste of resources. Therefore, a method of determining the ore boundary grade by using the concept of equivalent grade is put forward. The method and formula of converting equivalent grade are studied in detail. By studying the technical and economic indexes and mining cost of Chengmenshan Copper Mine, the author makes use of SQL Server2008 database software and .NET4.0 programming software. The database of technical and economic index and cost of Chengmenshan Copper Mine is established. The database can easily realize the storage, query, utilization and integration of mine technical and economic index and cost information. It greatly facilitates mine management and provides platform and basic data for dynamic optimization of ore deposit boundary grade. In this paper, a powerful dynamic optimization program for boundary grade is developed by using the program software .NET4.0. The program contains various calculation models that affect the determination of boundary grade. The program has the advantages of comprehensive data, clear calculation logic and simple operation. The boundary grade calculated by this program is of high practical value and can save a lot of cost and human resources. Based on the two functions of techno-economic index, cost data management and boundary grade calculation, the network version of "dynamic optimization management system for boundary grade of polymetallic copper mine" is developed. Only one server is needed to operate on the network. A reliable resource sharing management platform is built for user units and group companies. Users can use the system more easily, quickly and efficiently to manage the technical and economic indicators and cost and optimize the boundary grade.


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