[Abstract]:With the continuous development and improvement of manufacturing industry in China, the competition among manufacturing enterprises is becoming more and more fierce, and price becomes the key to competition. Therefore, in this case, the cost management of enterprises is particularly important. Project cost management is one of the core contents of project management, related to the success or failure of the whole project. It not only enables the project to be completed in the approved budget on time, according to the quality and efficiently, but also provides a good reference for the daily operation and management of the enterprise in the aspects of cost reduction and cost control. Quality, delivery time and cost are the three most important elements of project management. These three elements are indispensable for judging the success of a project. This thesis takes each customized FLS company as the research object, takes the project manufacturing as the background, uses the related theory and the reference domestic and foreign research and the application in this aspect, This paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the project cost management methods in FLS Company, and tries to make a thorough analysis and study of these problems, and find an effective and comprehensive method suitable for the project cost management of FLS Company. Finally reach the goal of project profit. This paper points out that effective project cost management is not only reflected in the effective cost control in the project execution stage, but also in the estimation of the project cost in the early stage of the project quotation and in the statistics and analysis of the actual cost after the completion of the project. Unreasonable cost estimation is likely to lead to the final loss of the project, and the effective report of statistics and analysis of the actual cost of the project can provide a practical and effective basis for cost estimation for similar projects in the future. Competitive quotation. Through the research of this subject, we hope to accumulate experience, to help FLS company project cost management, and to provide reference for similar enterprises.
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