[Abstract]:At present, the quality of life of the people is getting better and better, and the social security system is becoming more and more perfect. The primary hospital is the main place for the people to seek medical treatment, which is closely related to the livelihood of the people. With the active implementation of the medical reform system, hospitals are also facing fierce competition in the market. As the closest part of the use of hospital funds, how to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of the use of funds. Is the current hospital sustainable development of the fundamental method. Although the hospital has commonweal, but want to stand firm, avoid the waste of funds, we must perfect the cost accounting. In the past, the bases of the primary hospitals were relatively weak, the importance of cost accounting was not in place, and the waste of medical resources was more serious. Cost accounting is to ensure the quality of medical treatment at the same time reduce funds, reduce expenditure, to maximize the benefits of hospitals. Based on the importance of cost accounting in grass-roots hospitals, this paper makes a brief exposition on the current accounting problems, and puts forward effective countermeasures to lay the foundation for the better development of hospitals.
【作者单位】: 浙江省肿瘤医院
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