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发布时间:2018-10-05 17:35
[Abstract]:With the aggravation of the fierce competition in the market, the production enterprises have gradually developed from the emphasis on production and marketing to the era of attaching importance to the supply chain and procurement management. The competitive advantage of procurement has become one of the important parts of the competitiveness of enterprises. Purchasing efficiency and purchasing management level directly determine the profitability and market competitiveness of enterprises, and then determine the survival and development of enterprises. Based on the analysis of the current situation of purchasing management in Y furniture factory and from the point of view of supply chain, this paper starts with the organizational structure, procurement process, supplier management, information management and so on, which affect the procurement management. Through the principle of combining the theory with the practice of purchasing management, this paper points out the problems faced by Y furniture factory in purchasing, and points out the reasons. To strengthen the position of purchasing function in supply chain by adjusting the organizational structure of Y furniture factory, especially to change the consciousness of all staff members, including managers at all levels, to deal with procurement management function, Through the problems in the purchasing process of Y furniture factory, the paper improves the existing procurement process, and subdivides and improves the procurement process according to the actual purchase items and requirements, in order to improve the overall efficiency of the procurement work. Based on the analysis of supplier relationship, the evaluation system and evaluation standard of supplier are established, and the cooperative relationship, which is dominated by long-term partnership relationship, is established, and the supplier resources are optimized. The use of advanced ERP system provides an important and feasible means to improve the whole supply chain of Y furniture factory. Based on the knowledge theory of supply chain management, operation management, cost management and human resource management, this paper makes a comprehensive diagnosis and analysis on the purchasing activities of Y furniture factory. Based on the analysis of the problems encountered in the purchase of Y furniture factory and the related theories and concepts of purchasing, supply chain, supplier management, procurement process control and information management, this paper discusses its influence on the operation and management of the enterprise. It further explains that the procurement function is not only a service function, but also an essential part of the business strategy.


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