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发布时间:2018-10-18 09:12
[Abstract]:At present, with the rapid development of new urbanization in China, the high quality urbanization is the urbanization of population agglomeration, the coordinated development of citizen and public service. Therefore, the urbanization of migrant workers is the inevitable requirement of the development of urbanization in China. However, due to the lag in the reform of the urban-rural dual system, migrant workers cannot enjoy all kinds of welfare treatment on an equal footing with urban residents, which seriously restricts the process of urbanization of migrant workers, and also brings many social problems. At the same time seriously hindered the healthy development of the economy. The process of promoting the urbanization of migrant workers is essentially the process of solving the cost sharing of peasant workers' citizenship, and also the process of eliminating the dual system of urban and rural areas. In this paper, the author first constructs the model of the total cost of peasant workers' citizen, the cost sharing model of each main body (government, enterprise, individual), and analyzes the mechanism of rational decision-making of each main body. Then take the migrant workers in Shanxi as the research object, and explore the problems of migrant workers and citizens in Shanxi. At present, the new generation of migrant workers in Shanxi mainly but with high education, lack of human capital talent, the distribution of employment field is not balanced; The employment structure is characterized by "March 21", and the employment situation, housing conditions, social insurance and income level in cities are still restricted by the dual system of urban and rural areas. And from the empirical aspects of accounting for the cost of rural migrant workers in Shanxi. Finally, in view of the current situation and problems of the urbanization of migrant workers in Shanxi Province, a multi-level approach to the realization of urbanization is constructed. The main work of this paper is as follows: first, it explores the mechanism and decision-making model of peasant workers' civic cost sharing, and constructs the total cost model, which is shared by government, enterprises and individuals. The cost of government share depends on the scale economy, the degree of urban development, the cost of enterprise sharing depends on the enterprise benefit, the stage of enterprise development, and the cost of individual share depends on the personal income and the stock of human capital. The second is to calculate the annual per capita citizen cost of Shanxi Province by using the method of accounting. This article will be based on the total cost of peasant workers' citizenship constructed in Chapter two, and calculate it through the government, enterprises and individuals. The results show that the proportion of civil cost shared by the government is lower than that of enterprises and individuals. According to the actual payment capacity of each subject and the nature of the content of the cost accounting of peasant workers, the government should lighten the burden of enterprises and individuals through financial subsidies. The third is to build a multi-level path to the realization of citizenship: (1) the gradual reform of the system to promote the process of urbanization of migrant workers. Through the system reform to achieve equal public services between migrant workers and urban residents, expand domestic demand, release more consumer expenditure, accelerate economic growth, promote the development of enterprises, and strengthen the government's financial revenue. At the same time, it strengthens the ability of the government to govern the city, the ability of enterprises to bear the cost of employment, and the ability of individuals to bear the cost of living in the city. Finally, it enhances the benefits of citizens of all subjects. (2) the cooperative development of large cities and small and medium-sized cities realizes the cooperative governance of migrant workers. To guide migrant workers to become citizens in cities of different sizes, to realize the rational distribution of the population, to solve the population pressure in provincial capitals and large cities, To realize the coordinated development of large cities and small and medium-sized towns. (3) to raise funds for the development of peasant workers through diversified financing channels.


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