本文关键词:基层政府绩效评估中的公民参与研究 出处:《郑州大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since the introduction of the performance budget system by the US government in 1950s, performance management has been widely used in government management. Since then, the pursuit of government reform and the goal of government management is the improvement of performance. In order to achieve this goal and pursuit, the government performance evaluation has always been valued and developed. In practice, the traditional government performance evaluation tends to cause the government staff to have the tendency of upward tendency rather than to ignore the real attitude of the masses. It is easy for the government staff to be inert and one-sided pursuit of minority indicators, which is easy for the government staff to be falsifying and other negative behaviors. In order to explore the methods to overcome these problems, in 1990s, the new public management theory, new public service theory is gradually mature, and become the guiding ideology of the government management, the development trend of western government performance evaluation from the traditional single, internal government, top-down evaluation method changes to multiple, people oriented the direction of citizen participation has become a local government performance assessment is an important link, and has achieved good results in the practice of western. China's citizen participation in government performance evaluation started relatively later than that in the western developed countries, but achieved remarkable results, and gradually highlighted the characteristics of China in its development. For example, the speed of development, participation in the form of diversification, the number of participants and so on. In the early twenty-first Century, the new concept of "building the party for the public, governing for the people", "Scientific Outlook on Development, the right achievement view" and other new concepts were put forward by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. However, in practice at the present stage of citizen participation in local government, there is still a lack of motivation for citizens to participate in the performance evaluation results, the lack of objectivity, can not achieve the desired effect and other problems, has seriously affected China's citizen participation in local government performance evaluation practice, the current systems and methods, the reason to our country the social atmosphere, citizen quality etc.. Therefore, the study of citizen participation in the performance evaluation of grass-roots government has a certain theoretical and practical significance. Based on the current situation of China's local government performance evaluation of citizen participation in combing, based on well collected finishing in recent years our country practice content, using qualitative research and quantitative research combined, using comparative analysis, literature analysis and other research methods, combined with management science, political science, multidisciplinary knowledge sociology. This paper analyzes the problems and reasons of citizen participation in the performance evaluation of the grass-roots government at the present stage, and puts forward the overall countermeasures and suggestions from the three angles of society, government and citizen to the construction of citizen participation mechanism in the future performance evaluation of the grass-roots government.
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