发布时间:2018-01-12 09:46
本文关键词:威海微型企业的发展阻力与工商监管扶植探索 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在全球经济衰退的大环境下,微型企业面临的种种困难,如审批难、融资难、转型难、产业升级难等,已经严重阻碍其正常发展。同时,鉴于微型企业做为我国经济体系金字塔塔基的重要性,微型企业的兴衰对于我国经济整体发展状况具有十分重要的影响。近年来国务院也出台了一系列有利于微型企业发展的利好政策,意图帮助微型企业走出困境。因此当前对于微型企业发展现状的研究,契合国家政策方向,具有重要的现实意义。通过对微型企业生存发展现状的研究,不仅能够进一步厘清我国市场经济发展的实质,从而提出具有针对性和可操作性的政策措施,同时能够对行政监管部门合理调整市场监管思路提出建言,也为当前正在进行的政府职能转变和行政体制改革提供参考。 本文在研究分析国内外相关文献的基础上,从微型企业的概念和范围界定入手,首先明确了微型企业准确的定义范畴。然后通过对威海经区微型企业的发展现状进行实证分析,进而提出威海微型企业发展遇到的四个阻力:商事登记制度阻力、微型企业信用缺失带来的融资阻力,微型企业产业集群发展落后导致的微型企业升级转型的阻力、微型企业由于自身缺陷产生的内在阻力。在对策建议部分,论文首先论述了工商行政管理部门对微型企业的监管具有法律应用、人员监管、机构设置、深厚的历史渊源等方面的优势,确定了工商部门对于微型企业监管的必然性与必要性。然后在参考借鉴政府规制理论、新公共管理理论与新公共服务理论等理论的基础上得出结论:工商部门应当采取监管与扶植并举的方式,通过完善商事登记制度、辅助搭建微型企业信用融资平台,开辟多种融资渠道、充分发挥微型企业产业集群优势、对微型企业主进行培训,脱离“能人陷阱”,才能有效解决新时期微型企业面临的发展阻力,为微型企业的成长创造便利环境,推动微型企业健康发展与国民经济繁荣发展实现良性互动。最后对上文研究成果进行总结。
[Abstract]:In the global economic recession environment, microenterprises are faced with various difficulties, such as approval difficulties, financing difficulties, transformation difficulties, industry upgrading difficulties, has seriously hindered its normal development. At the same time. In view of the importance of microenterprises as the pyramids of our economic system. The rise and fall of micro-enterprises have a very important impact on the overall economic development of China. In recent years, the State Council has also issued a series of favorable policies for the development of micro-enterprises. It is intended to help microenterprises out of the dilemma. Therefore, the current research on the status quo of microenterprise development is in line with the direction of national policy and has important practical significance. Through the research on the status quo of microenterprise survival and development. Not only can further clarify the essence of the development of China's market economy, so as to put forward targeted and operational policy measures, and at the same time can put forward suggestions to the administrative supervision department to adjust the ideas of market supervision. It also provides a reference for the transformation of government functions and the reform of administrative system. Based on the research and analysis of relevant literature at home and abroad, this paper starts with the definition and scope of micro-enterprise. At first, the definition of microenterprise is defined. Then, through the empirical analysis of the development of micro-enterprises in Weihai economic region. And then put forward the Weihai micro-enterprise development encountered four resistance: the commercial registration system resistance, micro-enterprise credit lack of financing resistance. The resistance of microenterprise upgrading and transformation caused by the backward development of micro-enterprise industrial cluster, the inherent resistance of micro-enterprise due to its own defects. In the part of countermeasures and suggestions. Firstly, the paper discusses the advantages of the supervision of microenterprises by the administrative department of industry and commerce in the aspects of legal application, personnel supervision, institutional setting, deep historical origin and so on. The necessity and inevitability of the supervision of microenterprises in the industrial and commercial departments are determined. Then the theory of government regulation is used for reference. On the basis of the new public management theory and the new public service theory, the author draws the conclusion that the industry and commerce department should adopt the way of supervision and support, and perfect the commercial registration system. Assist to set up micro-enterprise credit financing platform, open up a variety of financing channels, give full play to the advantages of micro-enterprise industrial cluster, train micro-enterprise owners, and break away from the "talent trap". In order to effectively solve the development resistance faced by micro-enterprises in the new era, and create a convenient environment for the growth of micro-enterprises. To promote the healthy development of microenterprises and the prosperity of the national economy to achieve benign interaction.
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