发布时间:2018-01-25 18:21
本文关键词: 环境 群体性 事件 特点 成因 预防 对策 出处:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:从经济发展和产业升级的角度而言,地方政府对于大项目的青睐有其正当和必要性,但由于几十年的发展中各地对于环境的普遍透支和民意的惯性忽视,导致环境意识不断提高的人们普遍对政府和大企业的环保承诺采取不信任、坚决抵制的态度。2012年7月28日,江苏启东市吕四渔民因反对日本王子造业排海工程项目建在家门口、可能对吕四海洋生态环境造成污染和破坏而发生了有重大社会影响力的环境群体性事件。同年7月1日,四川什邡市动工建设“宏达钼铜多金属资源深加工综合利用项目”,这个项目被曝有极大的负面环境影响后,导致大量群众集会游行,以示抗议。更引人注目的是因PX工程引起的几起环境群体性事件。2007年厦门市民为反对PX项目自发“散步”;2011年8月14日,发生辽宁省大连市的民众抗议对二甲苯(化工业简写PX)化学污染工程项目的公民抗议运动;2012年10月27日,浙江镇海因拆迁不公导致反PX群体性事件发生。 据统计,自1996年来以来,环境群体性事件一直保持年均29%的增速。环境群体性事件的频繁发生对社会公共秩序造成了严重破坏,环境群体性事件往往以政府立即承诺停止建设的方式结束的一贯路径,更是对政府公共治理提出了形势逼人的挑战。尽管中共十七大提出建设“资源节约型、环境友好型”社会,但环境群体性事件频发的现实表明了环境友好型社会建设的效果是令人质疑的,环境问题成为新政府上台必须首要解决的政治问题,十八大报告将“生态文明建设”提升至与经济、政治、文化、社会四大建设并列的高度,宣示要五位一体地建设中国特色社会主义。提出努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。在新媒体时代背景下,政府该如何阻止环境群体性事件的高发态势,是目前应当亟待思考和解决的问题。 本文作者通过查阅国内外研究成果和相关资料,尤其以近年来频发的环境群体事件为研究内容,分析环境群体性事件的共同特征和发展规律,总结出环境群体性事件的共同特征是:对环境造成污染或者存在污染环境的威胁,突出近年发生的环境群体性事件尤以污染尚未造成只存在隐患为多;政府在引进可能影响环境的工程项目前或在建设过程中都隐瞒了实情;网络、手机等新媒体对迅速汇集民意起到了很大的促进作用;事件如果即将发生,政府再采取民意安抚的措施,已不能阻止群体性事件的发生;环保评估仅仅只是摆设,并没有起到关键作用,没有说服力;环境群体性事件的发生有时不仅仅是因为环境污染,而是裹挟着各种利益;政府在处置群体性事件过程中的强烈压制将进一步点燃民众的愤怒情绪;而环境群体性事件停止的办法只有一种,那就是政府立即作出停止工程建设的承诺并且采取立即停止工程建设的行动。 通过总结规律,发现政府在履行公共管理职责过程中,存在着政府官员过分追求GDP政绩、对环境信息不公开、未能履行好政府的公共职责、未能有效保障公众参与重大公共决策等问题,提出如何避免或减少环境群体性事件发生率的途径首先是政府应当转变执政理念、实现专制型政府向开放型政府的转变,建立科学的政府官员政绩考核机制;其次是加强环境保护立法,构建环境风险防范、公民环境权司法救济和生态损害补偿制度等;第三是建立完善预防环境群体性事件的机制,包括完善环境项目决策听证机制,环境信息公开机制,环境信息沟通机制和媒体联动机制等等。国内外对群体性事件的研究视角较多,更多的是从公安系统在群体性事件发生后如何控制和处理角度进行研究,但本文作者认为更重要的是从事前预防的角度对群体性事件进行研究,分析成因,有针对性地预防,才是从根源上解决群体性事件的有效办法和当务之急。作者还专门选取了环境类群体性事件这一独特视角,对于建设十八大提出的“五位一体”中国特色社会主义具有积极意义。
[Abstract]:From the economic development and industrial upgrading perspective, the local government has its legitimacy and necessity for the project's favor, but because of the decades of development for the environment and public opinion generally overdraft inertia ignored, led to increasing awareness of the environment of the general government and big business environmental commitments do not trust, and resolutely boycott.2012 year in July 28th, Jiangsu Qidong City Lu four fishermen against Japanese Prince manufacturing outfall project at home, may cause pollution and damage to the ecological environment and Yang Lu Sihai the environmental group events of major social influence. In July 1st of the same year, Sichuan Shifang city construction "Hondar molybdenum copper polymetallic resources comprehensive utilization of deep processing project", has great negative environmental impacts of the project was traced after, resulting in a large number of mass rallies to protest more striking. The PX project is caused by several environmental group events.2007 the people of Xiamen to oppose the PX project; spontaneous "walk" in August 14, 2011, Liaoning province Dalian City protests (paraxylene chemical industry abbreviation PX) civil protest movement project of chemical pollution engineering; October 27, 2012, Zhejiang town demolition hydantoin injustice led to anti PX group of the incident.
According to statistics, since 1996, the environmental group events has maintained an average annual growth rate of 29%. The frequent environmental incidents caused serious damage to social order, environmental group events often take the government to immediately stop the construction of the road to end a consistent commitment to the size, it is proposed the challenge to the public the situation is getting better and better governance. Although the CPC puts forward to build a resource-saving, environment-friendly society ", but the environmental group events frequently showed the reality of the construction of environment friendly society effect is questionable, environmental problems become a political problem to the new government must first solve the eighteen, the report will be" ecological civilization "to with the economic, political, cultural and social construction of the four highly parallel, declared to five in one construction Chinese socialism. Put forward and build a beautiful To achieve sustainable development of Chinese nation, under the background of new media era, how to prevent the occurrence of environmental mass incidents is a problem that should be urgently considered and solved at present.
The author of this article through the domestic and foreign research results and related information, especially in recent years to frequent incidents of environmental groups as the research content, common characteristics and law of development of environmental group events, summarizes the common features of environmental group events is caused by pollution or environmental pollution threat to the environment, environmental group events in recent years, especially in the serious pollution problems have not caused only for the government; in the introduction of the project may affect the environment before or in the process of construction is to conceal the truth; new media network, mobile phone on the rapid collection of public opinion has played a significant role in promoting; if the event will happen, the government to appease public opinion the measures can't prevent the occurrence of mass incidents; environmental assessment is just decoration, and did not play a key role, not convincing; environmental group event The occurrence of sometimes not only because of the pollution of the environment, but may take various interests; the government strongly suppressed in dealing with group events will further ignite anger; and environmental group events to stop only one way, that is the government immediately stop the construction of the commitment and take an immediate cessation of construction the action.
Through the summary of the law, found that the government had responsibility for public management process, there are government officials fanatical pursuit of GDP, the environmental information is not public, the government has failed to fulfill public duties, failed to effectively safeguard public participation in public policy-making and other issues, put forward how to avoid or reduce the incidence of environmental group events is the first government way we should change the concept of governance, implementation of autocratic government to change the open government, government officials to establish a scientific performance appraisal system; the second is to strengthen the environmental protection legislation, construction of environmental risk prevention, judicial relief and civil environmental right ecological damage compensation system; the third is to establish and perfect the mechanism of prevention of environmental group events, including perfecting the mechanism environmental decision-making hearing, environmental information disclosure mechanism, environment information communication mechanism and linkage mechanism and so on. Domestic and foreign to the group Research from the perspective of more events, more studies are carried out from the public security system to control in the group after the incident and processing, but the author thinks that it is more important to study on the mass incidents in prevention analysis of causes, targeted prevention, is from the source to solve group the effective methods and events. The author also specially selected a pressing matter of the moment the unique perspective of environmental group events, which has a positive significance for the construction of the eighteen proposed "five in one" Chinese socialism.
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