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  本文关键词: PPP模式 风险分担理论 权利义务配置 出处:《华东政法大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:PPP模式作为一种新型的投融资模式和公共服务提供模式,自20世纪80年代以来,在世界范围内被广泛地应用于基础设施的投资、建设、运营领域。究其原因,是PPP模式通过政府部门和私营部门的合作,充分发挥了私营部门在资金、技术和管理方面的优势和政府在政策、资源方面的优势,在基础设施建设成本降低上和公共服务效率提高上效果尤为明显,这正好解决了当前政府财政投资无法满足基础设施建设需要的财政困境和近年来新公共管理理论对政府职能转变、行政成本下降和绩效提高的需要,所以PPP模式得以迅速发展。对PPP的理论及实践研究也日益成熟完善,法学界对于PPP的关注点主要是从制度构建角度如何更好地促进PPP发展。 基于上述背景,本文对国内外PPP的立法和研究状况进行了比较,总结了我国在PPP立法和研究方面的现状和问题:我国缺乏PPP的专门立法及PPP运作过程中的配套措施,PPP法律体系极不完善,存在诸多空白,我国PPP研究也主要集中于宏观制度的构建,缺乏具体制度的研究。所以本文将研究重点放在了PPP法律关系最基础也是最核心的问题上,,PPP模式中政府部门和私营部门的权利义务分配问题,建立PPP政府部门和私营部门的权利义务配置模型,合理分配PPP运作过程各阶段的权利义务,以充分发挥公私部门优势,实现提供优质公共服务的目的。但对PPP模式政府部门和私营部门权利义务配置缺乏方法论依据,现有的PPP模式权义配置中政府部门和私营部门追求自身利益最大化不能实现合理配置的目的。 本文针对上述情况,引入了风险分担理论。即通过风险分担原理把PPP运作过程中的风险合理分配再转化为权利义务由政府部门和私营部门承担,通过风险成本的降低进而实现政府部门和私营部门权利义务配置成本的降低,实现合理配置的目的。而PPP模式政府部门和私营部门的权利义务配置模型的建立,对促成政府部门和私营部门通过PPP模式合作有积极作用,并为我国今后的PPP专门立法以及PPP标准合同文本的制定提供借鉴。
[Abstract]:PPP, as a new mode of investment and financing and public service supply, has been widely used in the field of infrastructure investment, construction and operation since 1980s. It is the PPP model that, through the cooperation of government departments and the private sector, has brought into full play the advantages of the private sector in terms of capital, technology and management, as well as the advantages of the government in terms of policy and resources. The results are particularly significant in reducing the cost of infrastructure construction and improving the efficiency of public services. This just solves the financial dilemma that the current government financial investment can not meet the needs of infrastructure construction and the need of the new public management theory to transform the government function, reduce the administrative cost and improve the performance in recent years. Therefore, the PPP model has developed rapidly, and the theoretical and practical research on PPP has become more and more mature. The focus of legal circles on PPP is how to better promote the development of PPP from the perspective of system construction. Based on the above background, this paper compares the legislation and research status of PPP at home and abroad. This paper summarizes the current situation and problems in the legislation and research of PPP in our country: the lack of special legislation of PPP in our country and the supporting measures in the course of PPP operation, the legal system of PPP is very imperfect, and there are many gaps in it. The study of PPP in China also focuses on the construction of macro system. Therefore, this paper focuses on the most basic and core issues of the legal relationship of PPP and the distribution of rights and obligations between the government departments and the private sector in the PPP model. The rights and obligations allocation model of PPP government departments and private sector should be established, and the rights and obligations of each stage of PPP operation should be allocated rationally, so as to give full play to the advantages of the public and private sectors. However, there is no methodological basis for the allocation of rights and obligations of government departments and the private sector in the PPP model. In the existing PPP model, the government and private sector can not achieve the goal of rational allocation in pursuit of maximizing their own interests. In view of the above situation, this paper introduces the theory of risk sharing, that is, the rational distribution of risk in the operation of PPP is transformed into rights and obligations to be undertaken by government departments and the private sector through the principle of risk sharing. Through the reduction of risk cost, the cost of rights and obligations allocation of government departments and private sector can be reduced, and the purpose of reasonable allocation can be realized. However, the establishment of PPP model of rights and obligations allocation of government departments and private sector, It plays an active role in promoting the cooperation between government departments and private sectors through the PPP model, and provides reference for our country's future special legislation of PPP and the formulation of PPP standard contract texts.


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