本文选题:安全 切入点:安全生产 出处:《湖南科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:本文首先界定了安全、安全生产、煤矿安全投入以及利益相关者理论一系列概念的定义,从理论上细致研究这些概念的涵盖范围,从而清晰的认识本文所涉及的理论点,并展开深入的分析与研究。 之后,简述了中外对利益相关者理论研究的现状,利益相关者理论作为一种研究工具,已经被广泛的应用于风险管理和公共管理领域,但是运用利益相关者理论对安全问题进行分析研究却才刚刚起步。 随后,本文针对煤矿安全投入体系中的利益相关者进行了分类,并将煤矿企业和政府,煤矿企业与煤矿从业人员这两对核心利益相关者进行了深入的分析研究,构建博弈模型,分析比较利益双方的选择策略,从而得出合理结论。 经过研究分析我们发现,煤矿企业是否进行安全投入,更多的是受政府部门的监督能力,监管成本,惩罚措施以及煤矿安全事故的危害性所影响。 因此,,政府部门有效的监管是实现煤炭行业持续发展的关键。政府应带如何实施分类管理,以提高政府监管的效率。政府监管应针对不同企业运用多种手段实施有效监管。 除此之外,政府部门还应增加各种激励和引导措施,由此增强煤矿企业自身投入动力,从而降低政府监管成本,使得政府监管有针对性,同时提高了政府监管的效率。 另外,通过分析研究,本文得出:不同的利益相关者可以通过发挥其法律作用、经济作用、道德作用等来影响煤矿企业的生产经营,倘若煤矿企业不重视对利益相关者履行相应的社会责任,便会对企业的生产经营活动产生负面的影响。因此,煤矿企业应从各个方面对利益相关者切实履行社会责任。 最后,对各利益相关者分析的结论进行汇总阐述,得出本论文的结论及建议。
[Abstract]:This paper first defines a series of concepts of safety, production safety, coal mine safety investment and stakeholder theory, and studies the scope of these concepts in detail theoretically, so as to clearly understand the theoretical points involved in this paper. And carry out in-depth analysis and research. After that, it briefly introduces the current situation of stakeholder theory research in China and abroad. As a research tool, stakeholder theory has been widely used in the field of risk management and public management. However, using stakeholder theory to analyze and study the safety problem is just in its infancy. Then, this paper classifies the stakeholders in the coal mine safety input system, and makes a deep analysis and research on the two key stakeholders: the coal mine enterprise and the government, the coal mine enterprise and the coal mine employee. Build the game model, analyze and compare the choice strategy of the two sides, and draw a reasonable conclusion. Through the research and analysis, we find that whether the coal mine enterprise carries on the safety investment, is more affected by the supervision ability of the government, the supervision cost, the punishment measure and the harm of the coal mine safety accident. Therefore, effective supervision of government departments is the key to the sustainable development of coal industry. The government should carry out classified management in order to improve the efficiency of government supervision. In addition, the government should increase all kinds of incentives and guidance measures, so as to strengthen the coal mining enterprises' own input power, so as to reduce the cost of government supervision, make the government regulation targeted, and improve the efficiency of government supervision. In addition, through analysis and research, this paper concludes that different stakeholders can influence the production and management of coal mining enterprises by exerting their legal, economic and moral roles. If coal mining enterprises do not pay attention to performing the corresponding social responsibility to the stakeholders, it will have a negative impact on the production and management activities of the enterprises. Therefore, the coal mining enterprises should fulfill the social responsibility of the stakeholders from all aspects. Finally, the conclusion of the stakeholders analysis is summarized, and the conclusions and recommendations of this paper are obtained.
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