本文选题:服务业 + 长三角地区 ; 参考:《江南大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:长江三角洲地区是改革开放以来,我国经济发展最快最发达的地区。服务业作为调整产业结构、推动社会经济产业体系节能减排的重要发展战略产业,在长三角地区得到了较快的发展。2011年长三角地区服务业增加值达到了46165.30亿元,占该地区国民经济总值的57%,其中上海市服务业占地区生产总值比重约60%,接近中等发达国家水平。服务业在快速发展的同时,该行业的能源消耗和碳排放增加量也大幅提升。长三角服务业能源消耗量从2000年的2102.13万吨标煤增长到了2011年的7291.07万吨标煤。2011年长三角服务业能源消耗二氧化碳排放量为12198.56万吨,占当年长三角地区碳排放总量的20.43%,上海市服务业碳排放量占全市碳排放量的约40%,服务业直接引起和间接推动的碳排放量不断攀升。因此关注这些问题对引导长三角地区服务业的可持续发展有着重要意义。 本文以研究长三角地区服务业发展与碳排放的关系为主线,首先阐明了研究该问题的背景和意义,通过文献综述回顾国内外研究现状,梳理出服务业发展低碳经济的理论基础,其次分析了长三角地区服务业发展的能源消耗与二氧化碳排放的现状特点。随后基于投入产出子系统理论,深入挖掘由服务业最终需求引致的二氧化碳排放量,并在二氧化碳排放的分效应基础上对排放引致因素进行了深入讨论。同时,进一步探索长三角地区服务业中的二氧化碳排放“关键”行业,并结合这些行业对经济影响的差异性对长三角地区不同服务业行业应予以实施的碳减排策略提出相应的政策建议。 通过系统的分析与研究,本文得出如下结论:长三角服务业已经进入快速、高水平发展阶段,上海市服务业发展尤为突出。与此同时,服务业的能耗总量和碳排放量逐年增长,服务业的能源消耗强度和二氧化碳排放强度逐渐下降,能耗以油类为主,对油类的消耗比重达70%以上,煤类和以天然气为主的清洁能源使用比重低。本文利用投入产出子系统方法,对长三角地区最终需求生产活动引致的二氧化碳排放量及其所划分的五个效应部分的二氧化碳排放进行了实证分析,发现间接排放在服务业二氧化碳排放中所发挥的作用需要重点关注,尤其是服务业生产活动对其他产业部门二氧化碳排放的拉动作用所引致的二氧化碳排放量较大,是制定减排政策时需要关注的重点,其中公共管理和社会组织、其他社会服务业、交通运输及仓储业、卫生、社会保障和社会福利业、教育五大行业的这种拉动作用的贡献较为明显。长三角地区服务业的二氧化碳拉动作用主要集中在电力、热力的生产和供应业、石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业、化学工业、金属冶炼及压延加工业、煤炭开采和洗选业这类能耗、碳排放密集的行业。江浙沪三地的服务业子系统碳排放“关键”行业判定显示,交通运输及仓储业,房地产业,卫生、社会保障和社会福利业,教育以及公共管理和社会组织,,批发和零售业(江苏和浙江),住宿和餐饮业(浙江和上海),其他服务业(江苏和上海),这些以传统服务业为主的行业具有相对较高的能耗水平,是对经济整体二氧化碳的排放具有较强影响力的“关键”行业;而以现代服务业为主的信息传输、计算机服务和软件业,租赁业和商务服务业,金融业,文化、体育和娱乐业,科学研究事业,邮政业以及江苏省的住宿和餐饮业,浙江的其他服务业和上海的批发零售业对经济整体的碳排放拉动力相对较小,需要重点扶持和大力发展。 针对能源依赖程度较高、二氧化碳排放拉动力较强的传统服务行业,可通过优化服务业产业内结构,传统服务业生产技术改造、升级等措施降低高能耗、高碳排的传统服务部门带来的碳排放量,对于以金融业等技术知识高度密集的现代服务业,促进这类行业扩大发展规模,提高这些行业的增加值在地区生产总值中的比重,有助于控制长三角服务业碳排放的增长速度,推动服务业整体碳减排的进程。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the Yangtze River Delta is the fastest and most developed area in China's economy. As an important strategic industry to adjust the industrial structure and promote the energy saving and emission reduction of the social and economic industrial system, the service industry in the Yangtze River Delta region has been developing rapidly in.2011 years, and the value-added of service industry has reached 4 trillion and 616 billion 530 million yuan. The total GDP of the region is 57%, of which Shanghai's service industry accounts for about 60% of the GDP, close to the level of the medium developed countries. While the service industry is developing rapidly, the energy consumption and carbon emissions of the industry have also increased considerably. The energy consumption of the service industry in the Yangtze River Delta has increased from 21 million 21 thousand and 300 tons of coal in 2000 to 2. In the past 011 years, the energy consumption of the service industry in the Yangtze River Delta Service Industry in the.2011 year of 72 million 910 thousand and 700 tons is 121 million 985 thousand and 600 tons, accounting for 20.43% of the total amount of carbon emissions in the Yangtze River Delta region. The carbon emissions from Shanghai service industry account for about 40% of the whole city's carbon emissions, and the direct and indirect carbon emissions from the service industry are increasing. The problem is of great significance for guiding the sustainable development of the service industry in the Yangtze River Delta region.
Based on the study of the relationship between the development of service industry and carbon emissions in the Yangtze River Delta, this paper first clarifies the background and significance of studying the problem, reviews the current research status at home and abroad through literature review, combs the theoretical basis for the development of low carbon economy in the service industry, and then analyzes the energy consumption and carbon dioxide in the development of service industry in the Yangtze River Delta region. Then, based on the input-output subsystem theory, the carbon dioxide emissions caused by the final demand of the service industry are deeply excavated, and the emission factors are discussed in depth on the basis of the effect of carbon dioxide emissions, and the "key" of carbon dioxide emissions in the service industry of the Yangtze River Delta is further explored. The industry, and combined with the differences in the economic impact of these industries, puts forward corresponding policy suggestions on the carbon emission reduction strategies that should be implemented by different service industries in the Yangtze River Delta.
Through the system analysis and research, this paper draws the following conclusions: the service industry in the Yangtze River Delta has entered a rapid and high level development stage, and the development of service industry in Shanghai is particularly prominent. At the same time, the total energy consumption and carbon emissions of the service industry are increasing year by year, the energy consumption intensity and carbon dioxide emission intensity of the service industry are gradually decreasing, and the energy consumption is reduced. The consumption of oil is more than 70%, and the proportion of coal and natural gas is low. In this paper, the input-output subsystem method is used to make an empirical analysis on the carbon dioxide emissions caused by the final demand production activities in the Yangtze River Delta region and the carbon dioxide emissions of the five effective parts divided. It is found that the role of the indirect emission in the carbon dioxide emissions of the service industry needs to be focused on, especially the large amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the production activities of the service industry to the carbon dioxide emissions from other industrial sectors. It is the focus of attention when making the policy of reducing emissions, including public management and social organizations, and the other Social service industry, transportation and warehousing industry, health, social security and social welfare industry, the contribution of the five major industries is more obvious. The role of carbon dioxide in the service industry in the Yangtze River Delta is mainly concentrated on electricity, thermal production and supply, petroleum processing, coking and nuclear fuel processing, chemical industry, gold. It belongs to smelting and calendering processing industry, coal mining and washing industry such energy consumption and carbon emission intensive industries. The "key" carbon emissions of the service industry subsystem of the three regions of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai show that transportation and warehousing, real estate, health, social security and social welfare, education and public management and social organization, wholesale and retail. The industry (Jiangsu and Zhejiang), the accommodation and catering industry (Zhejiang and Shanghai), other services (Jiangsu and Shanghai), which have relatively high energy consumption level in the traditional service industry, are "key" industries with strong influence on the overall carbon dioxide emissions of the economy; and the information transmission based on modern services, computers Services and software industries, leasing and business services, finance, culture, sports and entertainment, scientific research, the postal industry and the accommodation and catering industry in Jiangsu, the other services in Zhejiang and the wholesale and retail industry in Shanghai are relatively small for the overall carbon emissions of the economy, and need to be supported and vigorously developed.
The traditional service industry with high energy dependence and stronger carbon dioxide emissions can reduce the consumption of high energy consumption and high carbon emissions by optimizing the internal structure of the service industry, the transformation of the traditional service production technology and upgrading, and the high carbon emissions from the traditional service departments of high carbon emissions, which is highly intensive for the technical knowledge of the financial industry. The service industry will promote the scale of expansion of these industries and increase the proportion of these industries in the GDP, which will help to control the growth rate of carbon emissions in the service industry in the Yangtze River Delta and promote the process of carbon emission reduction in the service industry as a whole.
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