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发布时间:2018-05-15 21:00

  本文选题:电子政府构建的政府基础 + 电子政府构建 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:正在经历发展转型的电子政府,如何拓展自身的空间,增强对政府改革的适应性,并寻找深层次的发展动力,已经成为广为关注的热点问题。由于信息技术泛在性的增强,虚拟空间已经成为信息时代人们生活和工作的难以脱离的环境和背景,电子政府构建逐渐超越了技术导向的初级阶段,正在进入以深化应用和服务、推动整体性治理、促进民主参与等为主要特征的新的发展阶段,在这过程中,与技术条件的日益成熟和技术界限的渐趋消弥相一致,技术变迁对于电子政府构建的作用日益呈现出边际效用递减的趋势,电子政府构建应与政府改革协同进行,成为理论界的一个共识。 以往的电子政府研究,关注的是电子政府对于政府管理变迁的促进作用,而往往忽视了政府对电子政府构建的反作用,包括理念、结构和制度等方面的制约和限制作用。虽然也有学者提出电子政府需要政府进行适应性变革,但又忽视了这种适应性变革与信息技术和行政网络环境的关联性,而失去了电子政府构建相对于其他政府改革的独特性。还有部分学者关注到政治、政策和管理等方面因素对电子政府构建的影响,强调电子政府构建需要政府提供必要的组织、制度、技术和社会等方面的前提条件,但相关的论述往往是简单的、零散的和碎片化的。这样的研究取向,都缺乏对现实的解释力和对于未来发展的预见性与指导性。 本文认为,电子政府构建是一个复杂的综合性问题,或者说本质上是政治和管理的问题。电子政府构建与政府变革之间存在着一种内在关系和必然联系,而不仅仅是应然的或者是偶然的联系。政府是电子政府构建的行为主体,但政府应如何支撑电子政府构建,又是如何在公共行政系统和行政生态环境的互动模式下发挥作用,这无疑是电子政府构建与政府改革相结合的关键。这样,必须采取“互动式”的研究,把政府对于电子政府构建的反作用和建构作用作为核心和主线,使相关的影响因素和制度建构要求成为一条贯穿于电子政府构建与政府改革之间联系的纽带,以此来把握电子政府的政府治理变迁的内在本质和现实要求。 在这样的意义下提出本文的核心观点:电子政府的政府治理是信息技术的本质特征、信息技术范式与先进的政府治理理念内嵌融合的治理模式。针对于传统政府向电子政府转化的过程中遇到的“公共悖论”式的“行政难题”,政府自身需要不断地实施适应性的和建构性的变革,这种在变革中形成的动态变化的政府理念、结构、制度、流程和文化,以及它们之间彼此关联、相互作用构成的治理模式和运行方式,可以称之为电子政府构建的政府基础。电子政府构建的政府基础是一个新的概念,它意蕴了有关电子政府构建的新的理念方法,其基本属性是目的性与工具性的统一,,现实性与未来性的统一,趋同性与多元性的统一。就本质而言,电子政府构建的政府基础是信息技术在政府管理中有效应用的原则需求,是信息技术范式影响和渗透下形成的一种新的政府治理模式。在理论建构的意义上,电子政府构建的政府基础是一个与理想中的电子政府相对应的现实政府管理的特定模式。在变革性的意义上,电子政府构建的政府基础是政府应采取何种理念和方法推进电子政府构建与公共管理变迁融合互动以实现更好的政府治理的现实关怀,它体现了信息技术的革命性特征和潜在能力,反映在实践层面上表现为政府管理的改革和创新。而全球化背景下公共行政的趋同性和各国为电子政府准备的起始条件的不同,又决定了各国为电子政府构建建构的政府基础体现出趋同性与多元性的统一。 在对电子政府构建的政府基础概念属性分析的基础上,本文建立了它的理论框架和实践模式。理论框架包括组成要素、结构模型和系统模型三个部分。组成要素主要包括六个方面因素:网络化的组织结构和分散化的权力结构;协作参与的组织管理和科学化民主化的组织决策方式;以公民为中心和结果导向的政务流程设计;整体性的绩效管理和广泛监督下的行政问责;全程可追踪式的信息管理和战略的信息技术治理;知识型的公务人员和崇尚服务精神的行政文化。结构模型展示了电子政府构建的政府基础的组成要素之间的层次关系和互动关系。系统模型分别从作为影响因素构成、作为行政系统内容和作为变革策略实施的三个不同方面建构了电子政府构建的政府基础的关系模型、功能模型和作用模型,说明了电子政府构建的政府基础与电子政府构建的其他条件,与公共行政系统,以及与电子政府策略和政府改革策略之间重要的关系与互动。 实践模式呈现了电子政府构建的政府基础建设的现实环境、基本策略、以及可供选择的组合式的实践模式。现实环境是电子政府构建的政府基础建设的依据,需要综合考虑组织模式的基本特征及其变革走向,电子政府构建的现状与发展战略,以及行政文化、政治环境、社会资本等多种因素。基本策略对应的是电子政府构建的政府基础的组成要素,包括以积极的态度推进组织形式和权力结构的优化与重组、构建网络化治理的治理模式、实现电子政务与政府业务流程再造的一体化、运用灵活的控制和监督方式、建立完整的电子政府组织领导和运行体系、鼓励并培育科技领先和知识管理的行政文化等六个方面的十七项策略原则。这些策略原则提供了电子政府构建的政府基础建设的策略选择的框架和方法遵循。可供选择的组合的实践模式则从不同国家或地区政府基础建设的现实环境的差异性的角度,建立了电子政府构建的政府基础建设的阶段论和演进路径,表现为从面向公共服务的实践模式到基于行政改革的实践模式,再到适应民主发展的实践模式的依次展开和递进的建构路径。 电子政府构建的政府基础建设的风险治理作为论文的最后一部分,解决了对实践中政府基础建设可能遇到或潜在风险的治理问题。不同准备条件与政府基础的现实任务的关系解释了政府基础建设的风险成因。风险因素关于电子政府构建的政府基础建设的政治、经济、社会、技术、文化和政策等六个方面的风险分析建构了完整的风险分析框架。风险识别、度量和应对措施,以及治理机制提供了风险治理的基本方法和制度模式。风险治理路径与选择从电子政府构建的政府基础建设的路径分析入手,提出了自上而下、自下而上、自中间而上下的三条风险治理路径,并通过电子政府构建的政府基础建设的路径与风险治理的路径之间的关系,以及政治意愿、制度环境和文化模式等因素在路径选择中的影响,提供了风险治理路径的选择方法。风险治理模型展示了风险治理的四个组成部分之间相互作用的关系,形成了完整的程序方法和制度体系。 从概念属性到理论框架、实践模式,再到风险治理,本文建立了电子政府构建的政府基础的理论体系,这不仅是提出了一个新的概念,也围绕这一概念完成了一个较为完整的理论论证。尽管许多学者的研究结论已经涉及了电子政府构建的政府条件,但本文的研究首次对这一问题予以概念化、系统化的论述,实现了电子政府构建的方法论上的转向,即聚集于政府本身对于电子政府构建的影响,以此来分析电子政府构建的约束和限制条件及其成因和解决方法,因为惟有如此才能够解释电子政府构建尚未取得公众所期望的成功的原因,并为其进一步发展提供必要的理论和方法指导。电子政府构建的政府基础并不存在一劳永逸的模式,技术的动态化特征和公共行政理念和方法的不断更新,使得电子政府构建的政府基础,不仅要满足电子政府构建的需要,而且要满足政府改革和经济社会发展的需要。电子政府构建的政府基础正如电子政府构建与政府改革之间的连接区域,可以不断地调整因为信息技术进步、政府改革和经济社会发展所产生的发展变量,增强电子政府构建对于政府改革的支持作用和对信息网络环境的适应能力。电子政府构建的政府基础,超越了工具论、技术论、服务论和简单的改革论的范畴,为电子政府理念的概念化阐释做出贡献,也为电子政府实践的进一步发展谋求必要的政治推动和管理变革方面的支持提供了理论支撑。
[Abstract]:The electronic government, which is undergoing the development and transformation, has become a hot issue of wide concern. The virtual space has become a difficult environment for people to live and work in the information age because of the enhancement of information technology. Background, the construction of electronic government has gradually surpassed the primary stage of technology orientation. It is entering a new stage of development with the main characteristics of deepening the application and service, promoting the holistic governance and promoting democratic participation. In this process, the technological change is consistent with the growing maturity of technical conditions and the gradual elimination of the technical limit, and the technological change is to the electronic administration. The role of government building is increasingly showing the trend of diminishing marginal utility. The construction of e-government should be coordinated with government reform, thus becoming a consensus in the theoretical field.
The previous research on electronic government is concerned with the role of the electronic government in promoting the change of government management, and often neglects the government's counteraction to the construction of electronic government, including the constraints and restrictions on the concept, structure and system. Although some scholars have proposed that the government needs the government to carry out adaptable change, but it has ignored it. The relevance of this kind of adaptation to the information technology and the administrative network environment has lost the uniqueness of the electronic government construction relative to the other government reforms. Some scholars pay attention to the influence of the factors such as politics, policy and management on the construction of the electronic government, emphasizing the need for the government to provide the necessary organization and system for the construction of the e-government. The precondition of technical and social aspects, but the related treatise is often simple, scattered and fragmented. Such research orientation lacks the explanatory power to the reality and the foresight and guidance for the future development.
This article holds that the construction of electronic government is a complex and comprehensive question, or in essence it is a question of politics and management. There is an inherent relationship and an inevitable connection between the construction of electronic government and the change of the government, not only the deserved or accidental connection. The government is the subject of the electronic government's construction, but the government should How to support the construction of the electronic government and how to play its role in the interactive mode of the public administration system and the administrative ecological environment is undoubtedly the key to the combination of the construction of the electronic government and the government reform. The main line makes the related factors and system construction requirements a link which runs through the connection between the electronic government construction and the government reform, in order to grasp the intrinsic nature and the practical requirements of the government governance changes.
In this sense, the core point of this paper is put forward: the government governance of the electronic government is the essential feature of the information technology, the integration of the information technology paradigm and the advanced government governance concept, and the "public paradox" in the process of the transformation of the traditional government to the electronic government, the "administrative problem", the government It needs to carry out adaptable and constructivist changes, such as the dynamic change of government concept, structure, system, process and culture in the change, and the governance model and operation mode of their interrelation and interaction, which can be called the government foundation of the electronic government. The foundation of the government is a new concept, which connotations the new concept and method about the construction of the electronic government. Its basic attributes are the unity of purpose and tool, the unification of the reality and the future, the unification of the convergence and the pluralism. In essence, the government foundation of the electronic government is the effective application of information technology in the government management. The principle demand is a new government governance model under the influence and infiltration of the information technology paradigm. In the sense of theoretical construction, the government foundation of the electronic government is a specific mode of real government management corresponding to the ideal electronic government. In a transformative sense, the government foundation of the electronic government is the government's government. What kind of ideas and methods the government should adopt to promote the integration and interaction of electronic government and public management in order to achieve better government governance, it embodies the revolutionary characteristics and potential ability of information technology, reflecting the reform and innovation of government management at the practical level. And the trend of public administration under the globalization background. The difference in the starting conditions for the preparation of the electronic government by the same sex and the other countries also determines the unity of the homosexual and pluralistic of the government's foundation for the construction of the electronic government.
On the basis of the analysis of the concept attribute of the government's basic concept constructed by the electronic government, this paper establishes its theoretical framework and practice mode. The theoretical framework includes three parts: components, structural models and system models. The main elements include six factors: the networking structure and the decentralized power structure; the collaboration reference. Organizational decision-making methods for organizational management and scientific democratization; a civic centered and result oriented government process design; overall performance management and extensive supervision of administrative accountability; traceable information management and strategic information technology governance throughout the course; a knowledge-based official and a service advocating service. The structural model shows the hierarchical and interactive relationship between the elements of the government foundation built by the electronic government. The system model constructs the relationship model of the government foundation of the electronic government as the content of the administrative system and the three different aspects of the implementation of the reform strategy. The model and action model illustrate the important relationship and interaction between the government foundation of the electronic government and the other conditions constructed by the electronic government, the public administration system, the electronic government strategy and the government reform strategy.
The practice model presents the realistic environment, the basic strategy and the combination mode of practice that the E-government has built. The realistic environment is the basis of the government infrastructure construction by the electronic government. It needs to consider the basic characteristics of the organization model and its change trend, and the status and development of the electronic government construction. The strategy, as well as the administrative culture, the political environment, the social capital and so on. The basic strategy corresponds to the component elements of the government foundation built by the electronic government, including the optimization and reorganization of the organizational form and power structure by the positive attitude, the construction of the governance model of the networked governance, and the realization of the reengineering of the e-government and the government business process. Integration, the use of flexible control and supervision, the establishment of a complete electronic government organization leadership and operation system, encouraging and cultivating the seventeen strategic principles of six aspects, such as scientific and technological leadership and knowledge management, which provide the framework for the strategic choice of the government's infrastructure construction by the electronic government. The practical model of the optional combination has established the stage theory and evolution path of the government infrastructure construction constructed by the electronic government from the perspective of the difference of the real environment of the government infrastructure construction in different countries or regions. It is shown from the practice mode of public service oriented to the practice mode based on Administrative reform, and then to the adaptation. The path of the development of democratic development in turn and progressive.
As the last part of the paper, the risk management of the government infrastructure construction by the electronic government has solved the problem of the possible or potential risk of government infrastructure construction in practice. The relationship between the different preparation conditions and the realistic task of the government foundation explains the causes of the risk of the government's infrastructure construction. The risk factors are about the electronic government. The risk analysis of the six aspects of the political, economic, social, technical, cultural and policy aspects of the government's infrastructure construction has constructed a complete framework of risk analysis. Risk identification, measurement and response measures, and the governance mechanism provide the basic and institutional model of risk governance. The path of risk governance and choice from the e-government system. Starting with the path analysis of infrastructure construction, it puts forward three risk management paths from top to bottom, bottom-up, from middle and up and down, and the relationship between the path of government infrastructure construction by electronic government and the path of risk management, as well as the influence of political will, institutional environment and cultural mode on the path selection. The risk governance model shows the interaction between the four components of risk governance, and forms a complete procedural and institutional system.
From the concept attribute to the theoretical framework, the practice model and the risk management, this paper establishes the theoretical system of the government foundation constructed by the electronic government. This is not only a new concept, but also a complete theoretical demonstration around this concept. Although many scholars' research conclusions have been involved in the construction of electronic government. For the first time, the study of this problem is conceptualized and systematized to realize the methodological change in the construction of electronic government, that is, the influence of the government itself on the construction of the electronic government, in order to analyze the constraints and restrictions on the construction of the electronic government and its causes and solutions. This can explain the reason that the electronic government has not yet achieved the expected success of the public and provides the necessary theoretical and methodological guidance for its further development. The government foundation built by the electronic government does not exist once and for all, the dynamic characteristics of the technology and the continuous renewal of the ideas and methods of public administration, making the electronic administration. The government foundation of the government is not only to meet the needs of the electronic government, but also to meet the needs of the government reform and economic and social development. The government foundation built by the electronic government, just as the connection area between the electronic government construction and the government reform, can be constantly adjusted because of the progress of information technology, the reform of government and the economic and social development. The development variables are created to enhance the support and adaptability of the electronic government to the government reform and the information network environment. The government foundation built by the electronic government has surpassed the scope of the tool theory, technology, service theory and simple reform theory, contributing to the conceptual interpretation of the electronic government, and also for the electronic government. The further development of practice provides theoretical support for the necessary political support and management reform support.



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