本文选题:基层药品 + 安全监管 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Drug safety is related to the health and safety of the people, economic development and social stability. Since the reform and opening up, the pharmaceutical industry has made remarkable achievements. At present, the overall scale of the pharmaceutical terminal market has reached nearly 1.4 trillion yuan, but because of the weak foundation of the pharmaceutical industry, the pharmaceutical standards are not perfect. There are many factors such as high profit and so on in the manufacture and sale of fake and shoddy drugs, and most of them happen at the grass-roots level. The primary drug safety supervision department is the most important line of defense for the safety and effectiveness of drug use by the masses. It is necessary and significant to study the problems and countermeasures of drug safety supervision. The theoretical significance of this paper is that the use of public management theory from the national or provincial level of drug safety supervision on a technical level more research, but comprehensive use of a variety of public management theory to the grass-roots drug safety supervision of all elements, The whole link of the study, so as to strengthen the basic level of drug safety supervision research is not much, this paper carried out a useful supplement. The practical significance of this paper is to put forward a series of measures, countermeasures and mechanisms to strengthen the supervision of drug safety at the grass-roots level, to promote the effectiveness of drug safety supervision at the grass-roots level and to reduce or avoid the occurrence of drug safety incidents to the greatest extent. This paper adopts many methods, such as case analysis, literature research, comparative analysis and so on. Based on the theories of public administration, such as market failure, government regulation and so on, taking A city as an example, this paper analyzes the existing problems and causes of drug safety supervision, and refers to the experiences of drug safety supervision in developed countries. The countermeasures and suggestions for strengthening the supervision of drug safety at the grass-roots level are put forward in the hope that it will benefit the supervision of drug safety at the grass-roots level and ensure the safety of drug use by the masses. The countermeasures and suggestions for strengthening drug safety supervision at the grass-roots level are as follows: 1, unifying the establishment and vertical management of drug safety supervision agencies at the grass-roots level, constructing a scientific and effective supervision mechanism and constructing a quality regulation system with zero risk in the whole process; 4, promote the construction of basic-level drug safety supervision team, and strive to create a good external support environment.
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