[Abstract]:As the front window of the government public administration department, the state tax department is shouldering the important task of "serving the scientific development and building harmonious tax revenue". In order to realize the sustainable development and the high efficiency development, we must adhere to the scientific development view and the correct political achievement view. It is not only the requirement of the development of tax work at all levels but also the need to strengthen the construction of national tax departments and cadres. This paper mainly adopts the performance management theory of administrative efficiency construction, the new public management theory and the personnel incentive theory as the research foundation, and puts forward the six goals of forming a multi-level and multi-directional comprehensive construction of the effective state tax organ system. That is: first, to form a continuously improved management mode of work; second, to make taxpayers bear the least interference and burden; third, to show the sense of belonging, identity and values of the state tax cadres and workers; fourth, Mold the good social image of the state tax organ; fifthly, strive to become the tax revenue management service organization satisfied with the taxpayer; sixth, take the information construction as the support to realize the administrative cost reduction. At the same time, focusing on the construction of "sustainable and efficient development" as the goal of the effective tax authority, this paper expounds the countermeasures of constructing the effective tax authority from six aspects, that is, based on the system construction, the implementation of performance management, based on the rich content, Expand and optimize the extension of efficient service; based on stimulate vitality, give full play to the potential of incentive mechanism; based on updated ideas, strengthen the influence of organizational cultural effectiveness; based on perfect mechanism, build standardized internal control mechanism; based on innovative means, Build information efficiency support platform. Through multi-level complementarity, relying on the construction of information, focusing on strengthening the building of the contingent of cadres, strengthening the construction and implementation of the system as a breakthrough, strengthening the management of cadres, strengthening the image of external services, renewing ideas, innovating means, and perfecting the mechanism, Enrich the content, further optimize the allocation of resources, stimulate the vitality of the national tax sector, and help the national tax industry to flourish. The innovation of this paper is that, on the basis of collecting, collating, studying the theories of efficiency construction and performance management of tax system at home and abroad, it revolves around the overall goal of deepening the reform and the development trend of tax modernization in an all-round way. According to the actual situation of the State Taxation Bureau of Kunming and the practical experience of my work, the author carries out investigation, research and analysis in order to have the significance and function of reference and promotion to the actual work in the light of the development of the state tax system in Yunnan Province.
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