[Abstract]:The scope of accepting a case is the basis of the administrative litigation system. Since the establishment of the administrative litigation system, the discussion on the scope of accepting cases in the field of law theory and judicial practice has never stopped. Many articles in the current Administrative procedure Law, such as the scope of accepting cases, have revealed structural defects and deep-seated contradictions, which cannot be solved thoroughly by judicial interpretation alone. Therefore, we must face up to the new changes brought by the socialization of public administration to the scope of administrative litigation, reflect on the current research methods, and understand the predicament and reasons of the current administrative litigation. Then it is clear that administrative litigation should be aimed at resolving administrative disputes, and that "administrative disputes" should be regarded as the standard of accepting cases in administrative litigation. By the way of "positive generalization plus negative exclusion", the specific standard of accepting cases in administrative litigation should be set scientifically. In order to reconstruct the scope of administrative litigation, it is necessary to relax the plaintiff's qualification of administrative litigation and make clear the specific legislative suggestions that social organizations should undertake the actionable nature of public administration behavior in order to reconstruct the scope of administrative litigation cases. The full text is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The main contents are as follows: the introduction introduces the background significance, literature review, research methods and innovations. The first chapter is the origin of the problem-the new topic caused by the socialization of public administration. Starting with the background of the development and change of public administration, this paper introduces the concept characteristics of public administration and the connotation and form of socialization of public administration. The second chapter examines the current situation of the scope of administrative litigation cases, respectively analyzes the scope of administrative litigation cases of legislative status, administrative litigation plaintiff qualification and defendant qualification legislative provisions. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the impact of public administration socialization on the scope of administrative litigation cases, mainly reflected in the narrow scope of administrative litigation cases, the diversification of administrative subjects, and the expansion of administrative litigation defendants' qualifications. The remedy bottleneck of non-compulsory administrative act. The fourth chapter mainly expounds the reconstruction of the scope of administrative litigation cases. Taking the background of the socialization of public administration as the starting point, this paper investigates the extra-territorial experience of accepting cases in administrative litigation, puts forward the point of view of renewing the concept of administrative litigation, and points out clearly that administrative litigation should be aimed at resolving administrative disputes. In order to reconstruct the scope of accepting cases in administrative litigation, we should make use of the good opportunity of revising the Administrative procedure Law, take "administrative dispute" as the standard of accepting cases in administrative litigation, and adopt the legislative standard of "positive generalization plus negative exclusion". At the same time, we should pay attention to relaxing the plaintiff's qualification of administrative litigation and make clear by legislation the actionable nature of social organization's action of public administrative function. The conclusion points out that under the background that the development of public administration brings challenges to the administrative litigation system, the research on the scope of accepting cases in administrative litigation should take advantage of the historical opportunity of revising the Administrative procedure Law. In order to improve the scope of administrative litigation cases as an important supporting point, promote the wheel of administrative litigation, draw a clear track of the development of administrative litigation.
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