[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy and society, the pressure of the development of society as a whole and community on the protection of habitat and biodiversity has been increasing. In a comprehensive view, the main threats to biodiversity protection in China and the world come from habitat loss and alien species. The key factors of climate change, pollution and other threats are the over-utilization of resources and the destruction of the environment in the course of social and economic development. Qinling Mountains is one of the most biodiversity-rich areas in China and plays an important role in protection. The environment is facing a grim situation.
In order to comprehensively and objectively understand the threat of social and economic development to the protection of biodiversity in Qinling Mountains, its changing trend, key areas and problems, and policy performance, this paper mainly uses descriptive statistics and comparative analysis methods to analyze the main economic development characteristics, land resources characteristics, demographic characteristics and their impact, water resources utilization characteristics and their effects. The impact, the characteristics of tourism resources utilization, the characteristics of mineral resources utilization and their impact are discussed. The evaluation method of "sensitive (background) - pressure (interference) - elasticity (feedback) is constructed. According to the regional specific characteristics of Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province, 18 evaluation indexes are selected to constitute the index body of ecological vulnerability evaluation in Qinling Mountains. In the selection of evaluation methods, the ecological vulnerability of 24 counties (districts and cities) in Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi Province was calculated by subjective analysis and objective analysis, that is, the weight of each index was determined by analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the vulnerability of the ecological environment in the region was quantitatively evaluated by comprehensive index method, and the main differences of the ecological vulnerability were analyzed. At the same time, the principal component analysis (PCA) was used to calculate the ecological fragility of the regional environment, and ArcGIS was used to display the spatial differences between the two evaluation results. The fragility of the ecological environment in the Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province in 2010 was objectively obtained and compared with the results in 2006. However, Rapid Assessment and Priority Determination of Nature Reserve Management (RAPPAM) recommended by the Nature Reserve Board (WCPA) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has investigated and analyzed the pressures and threats faced by some nature reserves in the Qinling Mountains, their development trends and their impact on the effectiveness of management. On the basis of the research results of the current situation of the policy, and guided by the sustainable development theory, combined with the regional sustainable development theory, public management theory, the implementation and effect of the Qinling biodiversity protection policy, the performance evaluation index method was used to evaluate the performance of the Qinling biodiversity protection policy.
The results show that: (1) the relatively backward level of economic development and the land resource-dependent industrial structure correspond to the rich biodiversity in Qinling region. The extensive nature of the mode poses a challenge to biodiversity conservation; disorder and over-exploitation of tourism resources become an important threat to wildlife habitats: unreasonable use of water resources, the negative impact of large-scale development of mineral resources can not be ignored; in addition, there are potential pressures for population growth in the region. 2. Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi Province The middle vulnerability counties include Zhenan County, Shanyang County, Shangnan County, Meixian County, Lueyang County and Xixiang County. The middle vulnerability area is 16272 square kilometers. The spatial distribution of ecological vulnerability in six counties accounts for 28.43% of the Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province. The ecological pressure index is an important factor to form the spatial differentiation of the ecological environment in this region, and there is a certain stable regulation mechanism in the ecological system. The impact of human unreasonable economic behavior has caused the ecological vulnerability of Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province to increase. Among them, forest resources utilization, life concept, understanding of resources protection, development and utilization of tourism resources, road and life firewood utilization have a wide range of impact, a higher degree of impact, and a longer period of impact, which should be the key threat factors to be controlled in the reserve. The difference is obvious. The higher the influence extent and the influence time are, the more likely the management effectiveness will be affected. Although the current policies have made some achievements and achievements in the protection and management of biodiversity, the protection and management of biodiversity in Qinling Mountains is still in the initial stage, and there are still some drawbacks. The policy of biodiversity conservation has been changed.
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