[Abstract]:Termites control refers to the comprehensive control of termites with various techniques and methods to achieve effective control. The goal of effective control is to control the population density of termites in a certain range at a low level that is not sufficient for harm or to eliminate it completely within a certain range. Termites control industry is a service industry which uses various technologies and methods to control termites effectively. The service mainly includes termites prevention, termites management and integrated control. Termites prevention means that ant damage has not occurred, but some of the risk factors that can lead to the occurrence of ant damage already exist, in order to avoid and reduce the damage loss of termites, the preventive measures are taken in advance. Termites killing refers to the elimination measures taken after the occurrence of ant damage. Integrated control is a systematic control measure combining termites killing, termites prevention and long-term monitoring. At present, the service industry of termite control in Zhejiang is facing two major problems. One is that the termite control institutions are now basically institutions, and the reform of state institutions in Zhejiang is a pilot, so it is imperative to reform. How to follow the reform policy of national institutions; second, with the promotion of the reform of institutions and termites control institutions, the future development direction of termites control services. With these two problems, this paper makes a deep research on the orientation, supply and pricing of termite control services in Zhejiang by using the relevant theories of public economics, and puts forward a set of scientific methods for the pricing of termite control services in Zhejiang. It has a certain theoretical and practical significance and provides a reference for the reform of termite control service in Zhejiang Province. In this paper, the transaction cost theory is used to theoretically analyze the mixed supply system of termites control service quasi-public goods, and the new public management theory is used to discuss that the supply link and production link of quasi-public goods can be separated. Based on the analysis of the main products provided by termite control services and the present supply situation at home and abroad, it is concluded that the main products provided in the termite control services in Zhejiang should be reasonably defined as the main supply bodies, and some products must be supplied by the government. Some products can be supplied by organizations and individuals other than the government; the production of termite-control services can be diversified. This paper systematically expounds the significance of public pricing of quasi-public goods, the principle of pricing and the way of pricing. This paper studies the pricing selection of the charging items involved in termites control services. It is considered that the prevention of termites should be carried out by public pricing, while termite control can be implemented by market regulation. At the same time, the possibility of public determination of termites prevention, the way of public pricing and the mechanism of price formation were studied, and a set of complete pricing method was put forward.
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