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发布时间:2019-03-17 15:56
[Abstract]:With the rapid expansion of advertising in social life, the impact of modern commercial advertising has far overflowed its commercial scope, showing a strong cultural influence and cultural regeneration ability, and constantly changing the audience's cultural concept in the process of imperceptibility. To guide the transformation of the social way of life. At the same time, deceiving and misleading consumers, maliciously using the audience's sensual instinctive desire, distorting the image of special groups of advertising culture has gradually entered the public field of view. The breeding and spreading of such advertisements is not only continuously dispelling the "innovation" consciousness of the advertising industry, but also greatly weakening the nation's thinking power and vigilance against the invasion of decadent culture, and seriously dispelling or even subverting the core values of socialism. There is therefore a need for serious governance. This paper follows the ideas of finding problems, analyzing problems and solving problems, mainly focusing on the following three parts of discussion and research. First of all, on the basis of previous studies, the meaning of "advertising culture derangement" is defined. At the same time, based on the critical perspective of advertising culture, the representative phenomenon of advertising cultural derangement is reclassified and defined, and its social harm is expounded. And then put forward the necessity of governance. Secondly, this paper analyzes the social causes and governance difficulties of the phenomenon of abnormal advertising culture from many angles, and points out that the reasons for the frequent occurrence of out-of-standard advertising are social and cultural changes, and the inherent contradictions existing in the development of the advertising industry itself. The relative laws and regulations system has low legal effect, and there is no good interaction between the main body of advertising supervision. Third, the introduction of the relevant public governance concept, aiming at the underlying causes of the phenomenon of advertising culture derangement, put forward the ways and methods of managing advertising cultural derangement under the item of public administration, including the reflection on the construction of cultural interaction in our country under the holistic thinking. On the basis of the relationship of "strong country and strong society", this paper puts forward the conception of multiple and compound governance model of advertising industry. In order to improve the effectiveness of the advertising supervision system, the author mainly discusses the reconstruction of the organizational function of the advertising industry association under the new legal status, and the interactive supervision with the social groups to improve the effectiveness of the advertising supervision system, in order to better curb the phenomenon of advertising culture derangement. For the healthy development of the advertising industry to make theoretical support.


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