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发布时间:2018-07-10 19:28

  本文选题:战略人力资源管理 + 酒店战略 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 随着社会的快速发展,人力资源逐渐成为企业发展的重要资源。酒店是劳动密集型企业,其产品具有无形性、生产与消费同时性的特征决定了人力资源在酒店发展过程中不可替代的重要战略性作用。人力资源的战略性认识使战略人力资源管理成为理论界和酒店业界的重要研究课题,研究表明建立有效的战略人力资源管理体系对酒店在激烈的竞争中获取持续优势具有极其重要的作用。 本文首先阐述了战略人力资源管理的相关概念、特征及其作用,分析了传统酒店人力资源管理体系的现状和不足之处,在此基础之上构建酒店战略人力资源管理体系,并对酒店战略人力资源管理体系实施的影响因素进行分析,提出相应的策略,以期弥补现有酒店人力资源管理体系的缺陷,为现有酒店人力资源管理提供借鉴。 文章分为六章。第一章为引言部分,主要介绍了研究目的和意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法、思路及内容。第二章是相关概念和理论基础的概述。第三章通过对A酒店人力资源管理现状的阐述,分析了传统酒店人力资源管理体系的现状和不足之处。第四章在前几章的基础之上构建了酒店战略人力资源管理体系,分析了体系中的各个子系统。第五章对酒店战略人力资源管理体系实施的影响因素进行了分析,并据此提出了相关策略。第六章为结论部分,总结研究成果和不足之处。 文章研究结论包括以下几个方面: 通过对战略人力资源管理的研究,发现战略人力资源管理对酒店战略管理的实施具有支持、转化、执行和评价反馈的作用。 分析发现传统酒店人力资源管理体系存在诸多不足之处,主要体现在管理理念、体系构建和职能发挥三个方面,具体包括对人力资源的认识缺乏战略性、忽视人力资源管理的战略性作用、对人力资源管理部门的角色定位不当、缺少对酒店战略决策参与系统的设计、忽略人力资源管理评价和反馈的重要作用、工作分析操作不规范、人力资源规划缺乏长远性、招聘具有被动性和短视性、培训形式化不注重与战略的结合、绩效考核缺乏战略性和系统性以及薪酬结构缺乏激励力度等十一个方面。 在上述分析和研究结果的基础之上构建了酒店战略人力资源管理体系理论模型。该模型共有三部分组成,即酒店战略决策参与系统、战略人力资源管理实践系统、战略人力资源管理评价反馈系统。其中酒店战略决策参与系统具有人力资源环境分析和战略转化两个功能;战略人力资源管理实践系统包括基于酒店战略的工作分析和设计系统、基于战略需求的人力资源规划系统、基于战略胜任能力的招聘与挑选系统、基于酒店战略与员工发展的培训系统、基于战略的绩效管理系统和基于业绩和能力的薪酬制度系统。 对文章中构建的酒店战略人力资源管理体系实施的影响因素进行分析,发现人力资源管理理念、酒店组织结构、直线管理者的支持程度和人力资源管理部门的运作能力不同程度的影响着酒店战略人力资源管理体系的实施。据此提出相关策略,具体包括树立科学的人力资源管理理念、加强酒店组织文化建设、建立“倒金字塔型”酒店组织结构、基于战略职能对人力资源部门结构再造、系统地进行战略人力资源管理培训。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of society, human resources have gradually become an important resource for the development of enterprises. The hotel is a labor intensive enterprise, its products are intangible, the characteristics of production and consumption simultaneously determine the important strategic use of human resources in the process of hotel development. Source management has become an important research topic in the theorists and the hotel industry. The research shows that the establishment of an effective strategic human resource management system is of great importance for the hotel to gain a sustained advantage in the fierce competition.
This article first expounds the related concepts, characteristics and functions of strategic human resource management, analyzes the current situation and shortcomings of the Tradition Hotel human resource management system, and builds the hotel strategic human resource management system on the basis of this, and analyses the influencing factors of the implementation of the hotel strategic human resource management system, and puts forward the corresponding measures. In order to make up for the defects of the existing hotel human resources management system, it provides reference for the existing hotel human resources management.
The article is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction part, which mainly introduces the purpose and significance of the research, the status of research at home and abroad, research methods, ideas and contents. The second chapter is an overview of the related concepts and theoretical foundations. The third chapter analyzes the status of the human resource management system in the Tradition Hotel and analyzes the status of the human resource management system in Tradition Hotel. The fourth chapter constructs the hotel strategic human resource management system on the basis of the first few chapters, analyzes the subsystems in the system. The fifth chapter analyzes the influencing factors of the implementation of the hotel strategic human resource management system, and puts forward relevant strategies. The sixth chapter is the conclusion part, summarizing the research results and not The foot of the foot.
The conclusion of this paper includes the following aspects:
Through the study of the strategic human resource management, it is found that the strategic human resource management has the role of supporting, transforming, executing and evaluating the feedback of hotel strategy management.
It is found that there are many shortcomings in the human resource management system of Tradition Hotel, which are mainly embodied in three aspects: management concept, system construction and function, including lack of strategic understanding of human resources, neglecting the strategic role of human resources management, improper positioning of the role of human resources management department and lack of wine. The design of the strategy decision-making participation system ignores the important role of human resource management evaluation and feedback, the operation analysis is not standardized, the human resource planning is short of long-term, the recruitment is passive and short-sighted, the formalization of training is not combined with the strategy, the performance appraisal is short of strategic and systematic, and the salary structure is lacking irritable. There are eleven aspects of excitation and so on.
On the basis of the above analysis and research results, a theoretical model of the hotel strategic human resource management system is constructed, which consists of three parts, namely, the hotel strategic decision-making participation system, the strategic human resource management practice system, the strategic human resource management evaluation feedback system. The hotel strategic decision participation system has human resources. Two functions of source environment analysis and strategic transformation; the strategic human resource management practice system includes the work analysis and design system based on the hotel strategy, the human resource planning system based on the strategic needs, the recruitment and selection system based on the strategic competence, the training system based on the hotel strategy and the employee development, based on the strategic performance Effectiveness management system and performance and capability based pay system.
Based on the analysis of the factors affecting the implementation of the hotel strategic human resource management system, it is found that the concept of human resource management, the organizational structure of the hotel, the support degree of the linear manager and the operation ability of the human resources management department affect the implementation of the hotel strategic human resource management system. Guan Celve, including establishing scientific human resource management concept, strengthening the construction of hotel organizational culture, establishing the "inverted Pyramid type" hotel organization structure, reconstructing the structure of human resources department based on the strategic function, systematically training the strategic human resource management.


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