[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of people's consumption level and the continuous improvement of the consumption concept, China is faced with a certain market prospect and a certain challenge in the marketing field of catering advertising. In the fierce market competition, the marketing of catering advertising is becoming more and more complex, and some of the food advertisements in our country exist. Problems: such as some catering advertising theme is not outstanding, the audience of catering advertising is not accurate enough, the effect of catering advertising is difficult to monitor and so on, making this situation not optimistic.
In the face of the present fierce competition environment, if the catering advertising marketing wants to improve the effect of the catering advertising, we must pay attention to the construction of advertising content and advertising marketing mode, find out its position in the field of advertising marketing, and carry out advertising marketing, both to take into account the requirements of the advertisers, and to start from the perspective of the target audience. Thus the content, form and effect of catering advertising marketing can be optimized.
In the political and legal environment, because of the continuous adjustment and improvement of China's industry supervision and management mechanism, the guidance and supervision of some countries' macro policies make our catering industry operate on a stable track of development. In the economic environment, the continuous development of the global economy makes the continuous progress of science and technology, and the catering service industry in China is in it Under the influence of the background, a certain degree of development, the market scale is constantly changing, and because of the abundant labor resources, the rich resources of the catering service personnel, the great potential of the catering market. In the social and cultural environment, a number of diversified demand phenomena are constantly emerging, as well as the continuous cultural industry. In addition, the communication and cooperation between our country and other countries are frequent, which makes the content and style of advertising marketing in our catering industry continue to be in line with the world. In technology, because of the continuous development of China's electronic industry and the information industry, various media treatment Technology is constantly improving.
China's catering industry has a lot of potential consumers in the market environment. Therefore, the industry has a lot of space for market development. However, because of the fierce competition, the diversified demand of consumers makes the competition format of the catering industry diversify, chain and inform marketing from the simple emphasis on the quality of food and beverage to the present. In addition, in addition, the broad spirit of Chinese culture has obvious regional nature. Therefore, the catering industry is more complex in advertising marketing. It is necessary to find the characteristics of the consumption in different regions, so as to highlight its catering characteristics. In the supply of food and beverage materials, the resources of our country are rich and the traffic conditions are relatively rich. It is relatively convenient, so it can guarantee the source of its supply. More and more competitors from the industry, from the region to the whole country, and then to the international, some foreign enterprises such as Kentucky, Pizza Hut and other foreign enterprises, more play the competition degree of the catering industry.
With the development of various aspects, some group, large-scale catering enterprises have gradually formed, such as fast food KFC, McDonald's, steaming Kung Fu and so on, are gradually propagandizing and operating through the advertising marketing plan suitable for the enterprise. Time, maintainability and advertising content, advertising creativity have been greatly improved, the overall strength of the industry's competitors are steadily increasing.
In view of this, this study, based on the advertising market theory and advertising marketing theory, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of our catering advertising industry, including the macro environment, the industry environment, and the existence of China's catering advertising, and points out the wide range of food and beverage industry in China. When catering advertising marketing, we should clear the audience group of the catering advertising, highlight the theme of the catering advertising, optimize the appeal of the catering advertising, extract the slogan of the catering advertising, and do a good job budget of the catering advertising, pay attention to the endorsement of the catering advertising and integrate the form of the catering advertising. In the whole process of catering advertising, we should pay more attention to the application of advertising marketing in order to improve the effect of catering advertising so as to improve the existing marketing status of catering advertising.
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