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发布时间:2018-04-01 01:24

  本文选题:变革型领导 切入点:显性知识获取 出处:《中国科学技术大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the increasing complexity of social affairs and external environment, the construction of learning government and service-oriented government puts forward higher expectations for government innovation, and the government must respond timely through continuous service innovation.The continuous improvement of the degree of departmental service innovation by the government is not only conducive to efficient and smooth operation of the department, but also has an important impact on the comprehensive development of the whole region.In the situation of China, the system of head responsibility is carried out in the government departments, and the department leaders play an important role in the policy formulation and implementation. At the same time, the influence of the leadership factors in the service innovation of the government departments also needs to be deeply discussed.Since the 1990s, China has set off an upsurge of government innovation, and governments at all levels tend to carry out all kinds of innovation practices.The level of government innovation has become one of the important criteria for the promotion and appointment of government cadres, which leads to the tendency of the leaders of government departments at all levels to innovate in government departments.The main problem of this study is the relationship between transformational leadership and government service innovation.The previous studies on the relationship between leadership and organizational performance are mainly focused on the enterprise level, although they are also involved in the discussion of public management, but lack of academic attention.The service innovation of government departments is lack of detailed classification and discussion, and the leaders of government departments are influenced by many factors in making different innovation choices.Compared with previous studies, this study has two innovations: first, this study classifies transformational leadership and knowledge acquisition into exploratory / utilitarian service innovation and tacit / explicit knowledge acquisition.Therefore, to explore the two different mechanisms of "transformational leader-government service innovation", this study is more specific and detailed than previous studies.To some extent, it enriches the relevant theories of the relationship between leadership and government innovation. Secondly, this study not only discusses the overall concept of transformational leadership.The relationship between the four secondary dimensions of transformational leadership and the choice of government service innovation is discussed, mainly because the four dimensions of transformational leadership are very different in connotation.Through the specific analysis of the relevant literature and theory, as well as the research basis of the relevant cases that the author participated in, through the integration and induction of the relevant theories, the thesis puts forward the hypothesis of this study.The empirical research method is used to verify the hypothesis, so as to explore the impact mechanism of transformational leadership on the promotion of government service innovation, and to analyze the specific path to the realization of government service innovation.According to the logical thinking of "question-theory review-hypothesis-demonstration research-conclusion and discussion", the paper unfolds in turn.On the basis of the analysis results, this paper puts forward four public management inspirations to realize and optimize the service innovation of government departments, and discusses and prospects the defects and future research directions of this study.


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