本文选题:预算绩效 切入点:四三二一 出处:《中国财政》2017年17期
[Abstract]:In recent years, the Department of Finance of Guangdong Province has taken "deepening the reform of budget performance management" as the center and has focused on the implementation of the reform of "four major links, three systems, two elements and one core" of budget performance management.Promote the whole process of budget performance management system construction, budget performance management results, influence and credibility continue to improve.Strengthen the four key links to promote the whole process management of budget performance, such as objective management, performance monitoring, performance evaluation, result application management, and construct "prior performance audit, performance supervision in the event,"Ex post performance evaluation, evaluation results are applied to the "budget performance management framework."
【作者单位】: 广东省财政厅;
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