本文选题:乡镇 切入点:财政 出处:《经济研究参考》2017年46期
[Abstract]:With the national strategic goal of eliminating poverty completely by 2020, the campaign to overcome poverty and tackle the problem and the construction of a new socialist countryside, the state's financial funds for townships have increased substantially.People pay more attention to the utility of township financial fund expenditure than ever before.It is of great significance to strengthen the supervision of township financial funds, which is of great significance to the implementation of the Party's and the government's livelihood policies, to the vital interests of the broad masses of the people, to the enhancement of the scientific nature of finance, and to the refinement of management.Improving the efficiency of the use of financial funds is an important guarantee.How to effectively strengthen the supervision of township financial funds has become the fundamental task and goal of the reform of the financial departments at the grass-roots level.Under the unified leadership of the Ministry of Finance and the Finance Department of the Autonomous region, the supervision of township financial funds in Guangxi has achieved positive results by taking effective measures in combination with the actual situation in Guangxi.However, because it is still in its infancy, it faces many constraints, such as mechanism, system, performance, idea and so on, so the supervision still faces some outstanding problems.The study and analysis of strengthening the supervision of township financial funds in Guangxi and the countermeasures and suggestions for strengthening and perfecting the supervision of township financial funds can not only effectively promote the sustainable and healthy development of the financial undertakings at the grass-roots level in Guangxi, but also deepen the reform of the financial system.It is of great practical significance to improve the scientific and effective use of financial funds.
【作者单位】: 广西财政厅;
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