本文选题:包容型氛围 + 创新行为 ; 参考:《科研管理》2017年S1期
[Abstract]:After the prime minister put forward the call of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" in 2014, it set off a new wave of "all innovation" and "everyone innovation". At present, the development of China's economy and science and technology is undergoing a period of heavy quantity to heavy quality, and the management of scientific and technological talents in enterprises and institutions is an important measure to improve the quality and level of their respective units. Whether the innovation and achievement of scientific and technological talents in enterprises and institutions have become a serious problem that affect and restrict the healthy development of enterprises and institutions. As a soft culture and soft strength, the inclusive atmosphere helps to stimulate the internal driving force, further optimizes the environment of communication and communication, and stimulates the ideological spark of innovation. Under the great background of Chinese culture, especially the inclusive oriental culture, it is urgent to study the influence of the inclusive atmosphere on the innovation behavior of scientific and technological talents. This paper combines the domestic and foreign related research and research, and uses the tolerance atmosphere, the inclusive leadership style theory, the employment equity theory, the differential integration theory and the decision-making package. On the basis of the capacity theory, through the analysis of 200 effective questionnaires from enterprises and institutions, the results show that the inclusive atmosphere has a very critical role in the innovative behavior of the scientific and technological talents. Among them, the three dimensions of the inclusive atmosphere, namely, the employment equity, the difference integration and the decision tolerance, are included. The innovation behavior of talents is most significant, and the influence of employment equity and difference integration on innovation behavior is not significant.
【作者单位】: 浙江工业大学;浙江工业大学全球浙商发展研究院;
【基金】:教育部人文社科规划基金项目“包容型人才开发模式对员工创新绩效的影响”(16YJA630008) 浙江省社科规划项目“包容型领导风格对员工心理资本及创新的影响研究”(14NDJC168YB)
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