本文选题:高校协同创新机构 + 协同度 ; 参考:《国家教育行政学院学报》2017年07期
[Abstract]:The construction and effective operation of cooperative mechanism is one of the core meanings of collaborative innovation. In the course of the operation of Project 2011, As the organizational form of the existing system and the governance of the "special zone", the cooperative innovation institutions of colleges and universities are still subject to various barriers of the existing system. In many cases, the "organization-governance" lacks substantive control because of "idling". Synergetic innovation institutions are not the leaders of cooperation, but, to some extent, subordinate to the utility of the agencies. The management innovation of cooperative innovation institutions in colleges and universities still lags far behind the pace of scientific research innovation. "low degree of synergy" has become a prominent problem hindering the innovation of scientific research in essence. The cooperative innovation center of colleges and universities is not only different from the branch organization with "power and order" as the chain, but also from the market organization which is linked by "contract and transaction". Its organizational form should be more flexible than that of branch organization. The network organization is more effective than the market organization, so it is necessary to re-examine the degree of synergy from the perspective of "organization-governance" combined with the theory of network organization and its governance. The promotion of coordination degree of cooperative innovation institutions in colleges and universities should be aimed at the production of major scientific research achievements and the generation of coordinated performance of institutional mechanisms and so on, and should be aimed at universities and enterprises. The network innovation mode of collaborative interaction of multiple agents with the core of research institutions can be realized. Through the specific path of cultural coordination, organizational coordination and strategic coordination, the author hopes to effectively change the state of "logical entity, physical virtual body" of cooperative innovation institutions in colleges and universities. Promoting the organizational form and governance structure of collaborative innovation, realizing the overall synergy efficiency.
【作者单位】: 南京大学;
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