本文选题:多元化经营 + 资产规模 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Diversified management is a kind of management means adopted by modern enterprises to a certain level. The American scholar andoff first proposed the theory of enterprise diversification, which was gradually accepted by academic and business circles and used in business management. However, as enterprises continue to develop, the enterprise is not familiar with the merger and acquisition. Since the reform and opening up, the business concept of Chinese enterprises has been greatly changed and the strategic behavior has been actively studied in the West. In the environment of our country's economic system is still imperfect, the diversification of business has been diversified. It has evolved into an important strategic means for Chinese enterprises to avoid the operational risks caused by environmental uncertainty and to maintain their competitive ability to realize their long-term development. Therefore, although diversification is controversial, it still exists in the real society, and has always been an inevitable battle in the development of the state-owned enterprises to a certain stage. On the basis of the main viewpoints of diversification theory including portfolio investment theory, enterprise growth theory, market force theory and the main viewpoints of asset scale theory including asset scale boundary theory and utility theory, this paper puts forward the research on the relationship between diversification and enterprise performance based on the scale of enterprise assets. Combined with exploratory research, literature and theoretical analysis, statistical analysis, regression analysis, comparative research, threshold regression, and other qualitative and quantitative methods, this paper analyzes and answers two research questions: (1) whether there is a certain relationship between the two parties of diversification and enterprise performance, and how is the specific relationship? (2) diversification is Is it possible to influence the performance of the enterprise through the size of the assets? What is the difference in the effect of diversification on the performance of the enterprise performance in the intensity interval of different assets? Take the manufacturing enterprises as an example to select the data of 530 manufacturing enterprises listed in the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Market in the past 2009-2015 years and seven years. The Beh Finn Dahl index, which measured the adjustment of the diversification of the enterprise, selected the net assets yield (ROE) to measure the performance of the enterprise, the logarithm of the total assets to measure the asset size, in addition to the pre tax profit, the cash operation index, the asset liability ratio, the profitability, the liquidity ratio, the RD expenditure, the company attributes and a series of financial and non-financial indicators. Control variables. The initial data are collected through the Excel2007 progress treatment. Using the Stata12 to carry out the least squares (OLS), the fixed effect model and the threshold regression. First, the relationship between the diversification and the enterprise performance is studied, and the relationship between the diversification and the enterprise performance under the influence of the asset scale is explored. On the basis of this, the paper obtains the relationship between the diversification and the enterprise performance. The following conclusions are as follows: (1) diversification has a positive effect on enterprise performance, and the coefficient is less than 1.56. It shows that the diversification of enterprises is beneficial to the development of enterprises, but the effect is inadvertent. The production is the most obvious; the pre tax profit, the asset liability ratio, the profitability, the RD expenditure are all significantly positive related to the performance. (2) the diversification of the state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned enterprises has a positive effect on the enterprise performance, but the positive promotion effect of the state-owned enterprises is more obvious than that of the non state-owned enterprises, which may be due to our country. In the process of diversified growth, private enterprises not only face the policy discrimination on the industry market access, but also have a high credit threshold. (3) the size of the enterprise assets will affect the diversification and performance of the enterprise in a certain range because of the selection of the logarithm of the total assets in the initial stage of the index. When the scale is less than 19.613, relatively specialized operation is more beneficial to the improvement of enterprise performance. When the scale of assets is between 19.613 and 20.298, there is a significant positive correlation between the diversification and the performance of the enterprise. It is beneficial to the improvement of enterprise performance, but the coefficient 9.904 is less than the 31.928 line value of the second threshold interval. If the threshold value is the critical value, the sample is divided into three different regions according to the size of the enterprise's assets. Obviously, the scale has different impact on the enterprise performance. (4) when manufacturing is made. When the scale of the enterprise's assets is less than 19.613, when the core resources of human capital, capital, technology and other core resources are not sufficient, it is easy to use the existing resource management enterprises to obtain more ideal management effect. When the enterprise grows up to 20.298, the corresponding surplus resources will be produced. After the enterprise is gradually growing into a large enterprise, the expansion of the diversified business will reduce the efficiency of the enterprise capital utilization after the enterprise is gradually growing into a large enterprise and the expansion of the diversified business will reduce the efficiency of the enterprise capital utilization. There will be a lot of subsidies to the poor management departments. This will affect the overall performance and long-term development of the enterprise. At this time, the adjustment, the stripping of non core business units, improve the degree of specialization, and develop the related diversification strategy, so that the core resources and business operations of the enterprise are in a proper matching state.
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