发布时间:2018-05-04 05:28
本文选题:品管圈 + 外科住院患者 ; 参考:《重庆医学》2017年26期
【摘要】:正神经外科患者病情大多较危重,多存在语言及肢体功能障碍,护理难度较大,护理工作中容易出现疏漏;同时,神经外科疾病知识难度大,护理人员可能存在对疾病知识了解程度不够而导致护理缺陷~([1-2]),品管圈(quality control circle,QCC)是近年兴起的一种管理方法,是以质量为中心,以全员参与为基础,为解决问题,突破工作绩效,由工作性质相关或相近的工作人员组成的团体~([3-5])。采取QCC可能有助于提高护理质量,从而
[Abstract]:Most of the patients in orthopedic neurosurgery are seriously ill, they have language and limb dysfunction, the nursing is difficult, the nursing work is prone to omissions, and the knowledge of neurosurgical diseases is difficult. Nursing staff may have insufficient knowledge of the disease and lead to nursing defects ([1-2], quality control cycle QCCs), which is a new management method developed in recent years. It is quality-centered, based on the participation of all staff, to solve problems and to break through job performance. A group of related or similar staff members ([3-5]). The adoption of QCC may help to improve the quality of care, thereby improving the quality of care
【作者单位】: 江苏省昆山市第一人民医院护理部;
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