本文选题:大数据技术 + 政府绩效 ; 参考:《中共广东省委党校》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Government performance evaluation is the core link of government performance management. Government performance evaluation in the modern sense of our country was introduced from abroad in 1990s. In these short decades, the basic atmosphere and environment of government performance evaluation in China has been greatly improved. The evaluation of government performance has not only attached importance to the internal evaluation of government, but also started to attach importance to external evaluation. And the application of information technology has increased. Although the government performance evaluation of our country has made some progress, it still has some problems, such as the lack of cognition to the government performance evaluation, the lack of communication between different evaluation subjects, the evaluation index is relatively vague and simple. The evaluation method is still one way from top to bottom and lacks flexibility. The relevant evaluation mechanism system is not yet perfect and there is no good atmosphere for public evaluation of government. There are many reasons for these problems, such as the lack of attention to the government performance evaluation, the lack of relevant theoretical research and the fact that the evaluator prevents the development of the performance evaluation in order to avoid the risk of being assessed, and so on. Objectively, there are some reasons such as the uneven power of the evaluation subjects, the lack of authoritative guidance of laws and regulations and the influence of some traditional cultures. Big data era, the development of information technology and big data technology pointed out a new direction for the development of government performance evaluation. Based on the information technology and big data technology, this paper puts forward a way to solve the problem: to construct the fourth party evaluation mode of government performance in view of the problems existing in the performance evaluation of our government. The fourth party evaluation of government performance is defined according to the role of evaluation subject in government performance evaluation. It is an evaluation based on the third party evaluation, which is also carried out by a highly professional organization independent of the object being evaluated. Different from that, the fourth party evaluation is a big data evaluation based on the relevant government performance data accumulated by the fourth party evaluation information system. It is an assessment independent of the first three-party assessments. The content of the fourth party evaluation of government performance includes big data evaluation of the former tripartite evaluation and big data evaluation of the government performance. The former is equivalent to the evaluation of the government performance, the latter is the direct evaluation of the government performance. Taking the fourth party evaluation information system as the carrier, the fourth party government performance evaluation model organically combines the multiple evaluation subjects, the evaluation object and the evaluation index, and realizes the information sharing of the government performance evaluation. In order to provide sufficient information and stable channels for the public to participate in the evaluation, it also breaks through the incomplete performance evaluation data in the old evaluation model, and the evaluation operation is not transparent enough. The reliability and validity of evaluation results are difficult to guarantee. The fourth party assessment, as the integrator of the former three parties assessment, can, on the one hand, integrate the evaluation data of the former three parties and test the reliability and validity of the former three parties' assessment; on the other hand, it can also use big data, the government's behavior, to conduct an independent evaluation. At the same time, all data can be integrated, different data can be docked to extract more and closer to the actual performance. The fourth party government performance evaluation based on big data not only solves some problems existing in the government performance evaluation itself, but also enables all evaluation subjects to communicate and communicate more equitably. Supervision managers can also cross time and space for real-time supervision, immediate intervention and immediate management.
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