本文选题:交往行为理论 + 班主任 ; 参考:《中小学教师培训》2016年01期
[Abstract]:As the theoretical basis of teachers' cooperation, the theory of communicative behavior, through the establishment of regular meeting system, special topic discussion system, participation in student activities to construct the communication mechanism between the teacher in charge of the class and the teachers of science, through the full understanding of the topic, Choose the space and time, create the free speech environment to create the "ideal discourse situation" of the interaction between the teacher in charge of class and the teacher of science, and cultivate the consciousness of the subject between the teacher in charge of the class and the teacher of science. Combining individual performance and team performance evaluation to promote the development of inter-subject sexual relations. The teacher in charge of class observes, understands and solves the problems of education and teaching from the perspective of communicative behavior theory in cooperation with the teachers, and promotes the professional development of teachers while realizing the all-round and individual development of students.
【作者单位】: 长兴中学;
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