[Abstract]:The cooperation between government and social capital (PPP) is that the government chooses the social capital with the ability of investment, operation and management in a competitive way and concludes a contract with it in accordance with the principle of equality and consultation, defines the relationship between responsibility and rights, and provides public services by social capital. According to the results of public service performance evaluation, the government pays corresponding consideration to social capital. The starting point and end of ensuring the social capital to obtain the reasonable income. PPP is publicity and the pursuit of the public interest. PPP system design has always emphasized that the public sector should exercise the public power properly in the public domain according to the law. In order to effectively provide public goods and protect public order and public interest, the large-scale promotion of the franchise project needs to further clarify its tax policy, and its complexity and high risk, as well as the corresponding legal environment, need tax policy support. Drawing lessons from the establishment of special tax policy and preferential system of overseas PPP projects, our country should improve the rationality of the preferential tax policies of PPP projects in order to ensure reasonable returns for investors, at the same time, we should effectively support and implement one-off policies in accordance with the characteristics of PPP projects. The temporary preferential tax policy, as well as strengthening the coordination of the PPP project tax policy with other fiscal policies and public policies, and improving the efficiency and function of the policy.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学财政金融学院;
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