[Abstract]:In recent years, China's infrastructure construction is accelerating its development, the state has increasingly attached importance to the construction of public infrastructure, urban public infrastructure is the use of public budgetary revenue for the public to provide products and services, is necessary for the survival of citizens, urban economic and social development and people's cultural life. Urban public infrastructure belongs to public goods and is invested and constructed by the public sector. However, with the rapid urbanization, a large number of people have been transferred to the public. Urban infrastructure construction has not kept pace with the development of the times, and needs a large amount of capital investment, and the government revenue from finance and taxation is not enough to meet the investment needs. On the other hand, in the past forty years of reform and opening up, under the influence of market economy, social capital has developed rapidly, which has laid an economic foundation for private entrepreneurs who hold a large amount of capital to participate in public infrastructure projects, and promoted some private entrepreneurs to begin to have a strong interest in infrastructure investment. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) has become an effective way to promote the market-oriented reform of public utilities. The reform of PPP has attracted more and more attention in China. Compared with other financing modes, PPP mode has more obvious advantages and wider scope of application. With the development of market economy, it has been introduced into infrastructure construction. The experience accumulated by private enterprises in decades of management has a useful place in the field of infrastructure. The introduction of PPP model can not only attract social investment but also take advantage of their management advantages, in order to speed up infrastructure construction to meet people's growing material and cultural needs. This paper analyzes the attributes of public infrastructure and the merits and demerits of PPP mode, and expounds in detail the characteristics of various types of PPP mode by summarizing and combing the PPP mode. This paper illustrates the necessity of introducing the PPP model from four aspects: financing, system, management and practice, and expounds the feasibility of the PPP model. The key to making full use of this new model in practice lies in how to use this tool. The experiences of the three countries are summarized as follows: firstly, government departments should change their roles to create a good policy platform for social capital; secondly, improve laws and regulations to create a fair operating environment for social capital; thirdly, establish a performance evaluation and supervision management mechanism to lay a foundation for the two sides to cooperate and play an effective role; fourthly, improve the laws and regulations to create a fair operating environment for social capital; It is hoped that the top-level design of the PPP model will be carried out by the Chinese government and this model will be rapidly popularized in China.
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