[Abstract]:As the leading link and key support of the budget examination of the people's Congress, it is very important to realize the transition from formalization to materialization of the budget first instance. In recent years, the local people's congresses have carried out many explorations, showing three distinct representative reform models: the first review of policy and budget performance, the emphasis on key policy points of fiscal expenditure, the key expenditure and major investment projects. However, the requirements for obtaining information are high and public participation is limited; the first instance, which is guided by the full coverage of the departmental budget, is comprehensive but costly, and it is not easy to focus on; the first instance, which focuses on the project budget, is easy to operate and has strong public access. But the review of systematic policy needs to be expanded. Against the background of the new budget law of the 18th National Congress of the Party and the new budget law of 2015, the future reform should be based on a review of the blending trend of the pluralistic practice model and the common problems behind it. To set up a systematic concept of the objective of the first instance of financial budget, to perfect the system of multiple participation, to construct the system of first instance with the echo of the times, to strengthen the application of the results of the first instance, and to take the first instance of the substantive budget as the fulcrum, To promote the overall performance of the NPC budget supervision.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学政治学系;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金项目“完善我国省级人大监督权及其行使机制的实证研究”(14CZZ013),项目负责人:王逸帅 教育部人文社会科学基金项目“地方人大公共预算监督问责的实证研究:模式与路径”(13YJCZH187),项目负责人:王逸帅 上海哲学社会科学基金项目“完善特大城市政府全口径预决算的审查监督制度研究”(2013EZZ002),项目负责人:王逸帅
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